<?php use Kirby\Cms\App; use Kirby\Exception\LogicException; use Kirby\Panel\Field; use Kirby\Toolkit\I18n; return [ // license key 'license' => [ 'load' => function () { $kirby = App::instance(); $license = $kirby->system()->license(); $obfuscated = $kirby->user()->isAdmin() === false; $status = $license->status(); $renewable = $status->renewable(); return [ 'component' => 'k-license-dialog', 'props' => [ 'license' => [ 'code' => $license->code($obfuscated), 'icon' => $status->icon(), 'info' => $status->info($license->renewal('Y-m-d')), 'theme' => $status->theme(), 'type' => $license->label(), ], 'cancelButton' => $renewable, 'submitButton' => $renewable ? [ 'icon' => 'refresh', 'text' => I18n::translate('renew'), 'theme' => 'love', ] : false, ] ]; }, 'submit' => function () { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $response = App::instance()->system()->license()->upgrade(); // the upgrade is still needed if ($response['status'] === 'upgrade') { return [ 'redirect' => $response['url'] ]; } // the upgrade has already been completed if ($response['status'] === 'complete') { return [ 'event' => 'system.renew', 'message' => I18n::translate('license.success') ]; } throw new LogicException('The upgrade failed'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } ], // license registration 'registration' => [ 'load' => function () { $system = App::instance()->system(); $local = $system->isLocal(); return [ 'component' => 'k-form-dialog', 'props' => [ 'fields' => [ 'domain' => [ 'label' => I18n::translate('license.activate.label'), 'type' => 'info', 'theme' => $local ? 'warning' : 'info', 'text' => I18n::template('license.activate.' . ($local ? 'local' : 'domain'), ['host' => $system->indexUrl()]) ], 'license' => [ 'label' => I18n::translate('license.code.label'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'counter' => false, 'placeholder' => 'K-', 'help' => I18n::translate('license.code.help') . ' ' . '<a href="https://getkirby.com/buy" target="_blank">' . I18n::translate('license.buy') . ' →</a>' ], 'email' => Field::email(['required' => true]) ], 'submitButton' => [ 'icon' => 'key', 'text' => I18n::translate('activate'), 'theme' => 'love', ], 'value' => [ 'license' => null, 'email' => null ] ] ]; }, 'submit' => function () { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $kirby = App::instance(); $kirby->system()->register( $kirby->request()->get('license'), $kirby->request()->get('email') ); return [ 'event' => 'system.register', 'message' => I18n::translate('license.success') ]; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } ], ];