<?php use Kirby\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Kirby\Toolkit\A; use Kirby\Toolkit\Str; return [ 'props' => [ /** * Unset inherited props */ 'after' => null, 'before' => null, /** * Whether to allow alpha transparency in the color */ 'alpha' => function (bool $alpha = false) { return $alpha; }, /** * The CSS format (hex, rgb, hsl) to display and store the value */ 'format' => function (string $format = 'hex'): string { if (in_array($format, ['hex', 'hsl', 'rgb']) === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported format for color field (supported: hex, rgb, hsl)'); } return $format; }, /** * Change mode to disable the color picker (`input`) or to only * show the `options` as toggles */ 'mode' => function (string $mode = 'picker'): string { if (in_array($mode, ['picker', 'input', 'options']) === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported mode for color field (supported: picker, input, options)'); } return $mode; }, /** * List of colors that will be shown as buttons * to directly select them */ 'options' => function (array $options = []): array { return $options; } ], 'computed' => [ 'default' => function (): string { return Str::lower($this->default); }, 'options' => function (): array { return A::map(array_keys($this->options), fn ($key) => [ 'value' => $this->options[$key], 'text' => is_string($key) ? $key : null ]); } ], 'validations' => [ 'color' => function ($value) { if (empty($value) === true) { return true; } if ( $this->format === 'hex' && preg_match('/^#([\da-f]{3,4}){1,2}$/i', $value) !== 1 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException([ 'key' => 'validation.color', 'data' => ['format' => 'hex'] ]); } if ( $this->format === 'rgb' && preg_match('/^rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})(%?)(?:,|\s)+(\d{1,3})(%?)(?:,|\s)+(\d{1,3})(%?)(?:,|\s|\/)*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)(%?)\s*\)?$/i', $value) !== 1 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException([ 'key' => 'validation.color', 'data' => ['format' => 'rgb'] ]); } if ( $this->format === 'hsl' && preg_match('/^hsla?\(\s*(\d{1,3}\.?\d*)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?(?:,|\s)+(\d{1,3})%(?:,|\s)+(\d{1,3})%(?:,|\s|\/)*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)(%?)\s*\)?$/i', $value) !== 1 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException([ 'key' => 'validation.color', 'data' => ['format' => 'hsl'] ]); } } ] ];