/*! * howler.js v2.2.4 * howlerjs.com * * (c) 2013-2020, James Simpson of GoldFire Studios * goldfirestudios.com * * MIT License */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** Global Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Create the global controller. All contained methods and properties apply * to all sounds that are currently playing or will be in the future. */ var HowlerGlobal = function() { this.init(); }; HowlerGlobal.prototype = { /** * Initialize the global Howler object. * @return {Howler} */ init: function() { var self = this || Howler; // Create a global ID counter. self._counter = 1000; // Pool of unlocked HTML5 Audio objects. self._html5AudioPool = []; self.html5PoolSize = 10; // Internal properties. self._codecs = {}; self._howls = []; self._muted = false; self._volume = 1; self._canPlayEvent = 'canplaythrough'; self._navigator = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator) ? window.navigator : null; // Public properties. self.masterGain = null; self.noAudio = false; self.usingWebAudio = true; self.autoSuspend = true; self.ctx = null; // Set to false to disable the auto audio unlocker. self.autoUnlock = true; // Setup the various state values for global tracking. self._setup(); return self; }, /** * Get/set the global volume for all sounds. * @param {Float} vol Volume from 0.0 to 1.0. * @return {Howler/Float} Returns self or current volume. */ volume: function(vol) { var self = this || Howler; vol = parseFloat(vol); // If we don't have an AudioContext created yet, run the setup. if (!self.ctx) { setupAudioContext(); } if (typeof vol !== 'undefined' && vol >= 0 && vol <= 1) { self._volume = vol; // Don't update any of the nodes if we are muted. if (self._muted) { return self; } // When using Web Audio, we just need to adjust the master gain. if (self.usingWebAudio) { self.masterGain.gain.setValueAtTime(vol, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } // Loop through and change volume for all HTML5 audio nodes. for (var i=0; i<self._howls.length; i++) { if (!self._howls[i]._webAudio) { // Get all of the sounds in this Howl group. var ids = self._howls[i]._getSoundIds(); // Loop through all sounds and change the volumes. for (var j=0; j<ids.length; j++) { var sound = self._howls[i]._soundById(ids[j]); if (sound && sound._node) { sound._node.volume = sound._volume * vol; } } } } return self; } return self._volume; }, /** * Handle muting and unmuting globally. * @param {Boolean} muted Is muted or not. */ mute: function(muted) { var self = this || Howler; // If we don't have an AudioContext created yet, run the setup. if (!self.ctx) { setupAudioContext(); } self._muted = muted; // With Web Audio, we just need to mute the master gain. if (self.usingWebAudio) { self.masterGain.gain.setValueAtTime(muted ? 0 : self._volume, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } // Loop through and mute all HTML5 Audio nodes. for (var i=0; i<self._howls.length; i++) { if (!self._howls[i]._webAudio) { // Get all of the sounds in this Howl group. var ids = self._howls[i]._getSoundIds(); // Loop through all sounds and mark the audio node as muted. for (var j=0; j<ids.length; j++) { var sound = self._howls[i]._soundById(ids[j]); if (sound && sound._node) { sound._node.muted = (muted) ? true : sound._muted; } } } } return self; }, /** * Handle stopping all sounds globally. */ stop: function() { var self = this || Howler; // Loop through all Howls and stop them. for (var i=0; i<self._howls.length; i++) { self._howls[i].stop(); } return self; }, /** * Unload and destroy all currently loaded Howl objects. * @return {Howler} */ unload: function() { var self = this || Howler; for (var i=self._howls.length-1; i>=0; i--) { self._howls[i].unload(); } // Create a new AudioContext to make sure it is fully reset. if (self.usingWebAudio && self.ctx && typeof self.ctx.close !== 'undefined') { self.ctx.close(); self.ctx = null; setupAudioContext(); } return self; }, /** * Check for codec support of specific extension. * @param {String} ext Audio file extention. * @return {Boolean} */ codecs: function(ext) { return (this || Howler)._codecs[ext.replace(/^x-/, '')]; }, /** * Setup various state values for global tracking. * @return {Howler} */ _setup: function() { var self = this || Howler; // Keeps track of the suspend/resume state of the AudioContext. self.state = self.ctx ? self.ctx.state || 'suspended' : 'suspended'; // Automatically begin the 30-second suspend process self._autoSuspend(); // Check if audio is available. if (!self.usingWebAudio) { // No audio is available on this system if noAudio is set to true. if (typeof Audio !== 'undefined') { try { var test = new Audio(); // Check if the canplaythrough event is available. if (typeof test.oncanplaythrough === 'undefined') { self._canPlayEvent = 'canplay'; } } catch(e) { self.noAudio = true; } } else { self.noAudio = true; } } // Test to make sure audio isn't disabled in Internet Explorer. try { var test = new Audio(); if (test.muted) { self.noAudio = true; } } catch (e) {} // Check for supported codecs. if (!self.noAudio) { self._setupCodecs(); } return self; }, /** * Check for browser support for various codecs and cache the results. * @return {Howler} */ _setupCodecs: function() { var self = this || Howler; var audioTest = null; // Must wrap in a try/catch because IE11 in server mode throws an error. try { audioTest = (typeof Audio !== 'undefined') ? new Audio() : null; } catch (err) { return self; } if (!audioTest || typeof audioTest.canPlayType !== 'function') { return self; } var mpegTest = audioTest.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;').replace(/^no$/, ''); // Opera version <33 has mixed MP3 support, so we need to check for and block it. var ua = self._navigator ? self._navigator.userAgent : ''; var checkOpera = ua.match(/OPR\/(\d+)/g); var isOldOpera = (checkOpera && parseInt(checkOpera[0].split('/')[1], 10) < 33); var checkSafari = ua.indexOf('Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Chrome') === -1; var safariVersion = ua.match(/Version\/(.*?) /); var isOldSafari = (checkSafari && safariVersion && parseInt(safariVersion[1], 10) < 15); self._codecs = { mp3: !!(!isOldOpera && (mpegTest || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/mp3;').replace(/^no$/, ''))), mpeg: !!mpegTest, opus: !!audioTest.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="opus"').replace(/^no$/, ''), ogg: !!audioTest.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, ''), oga: !!audioTest.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, ''), wav: !!(audioTest.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/wav')).replace(/^no$/, ''), aac: !!audioTest.canPlayType('audio/aac;').replace(/^no$/, ''), caf: !!audioTest.canPlayType('audio/x-caf;').replace(/^no$/, ''), m4a: !!(audioTest.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/m4a;') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/aac;')).replace(/^no$/, ''), m4b: !!(audioTest.canPlayType('audio/x-m4b;') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/m4b;') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/aac;')).replace(/^no$/, ''), mp4: !!(audioTest.canPlayType('audio/x-mp4;') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/mp4;') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/aac;')).replace(/^no$/, ''), weba: !!(!isOldSafari && audioTest.canPlayType('audio/webm; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, '')), webm: !!(!isOldSafari && audioTest.canPlayType('audio/webm; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, '')), dolby: !!audioTest.canPlayType('audio/mp4; codecs="ec-3"').replace(/^no$/, ''), flac: !!(audioTest.canPlayType('audio/x-flac;') || audioTest.canPlayType('audio/flac;')).replace(/^no$/, '') }; return self; }, /** * Some browsers/devices will only allow audio to be played after a user interaction. * Attempt to automatically unlock audio on the first user interaction. * Concept from: http://paulbakaus.com/tutorials/html5/web-audio-on-ios/ * @return {Howler} */ _unlockAudio: function() { var self = this || Howler; // Only run this if Web Audio is supported and it hasn't already been unlocked. if (self._audioUnlocked || !self.ctx) { return; } self._audioUnlocked = false; self.autoUnlock = false; // Some mobile devices/platforms have distortion issues when opening/closing tabs and/or web views. // Bugs in the browser (especially Mobile Safari) can cause the sampleRate to change from 44100 to 48000. // By calling Howler.unload(), we create a new AudioContext with the correct sampleRate. if (!self._mobileUnloaded && self.ctx.sampleRate !== 44100) { self._mobileUnloaded = true; self.unload(); } // Scratch buffer for enabling iOS to dispose of web audio buffers correctly, as per: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24119684 self._scratchBuffer = self.ctx.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); // Call this method on touch start to create and play a buffer, // then check if the audio actually played to determine if // audio has now been unlocked on iOS, Android, etc. var unlock = function(e) { // Create a pool of unlocked HTML5 Audio objects that can // be used for playing sounds without user interaction. HTML5 // Audio objects must be individually unlocked, as opposed // to the WebAudio API which only needs a single activation. // This must occur before WebAudio setup or the source.onended // event will not fire. while (self._html5AudioPool.length < self.html5PoolSize) { try { var audioNode = new Audio(); // Mark this Audio object as unlocked to ensure it can get returned // to the unlocked pool when released. audioNode._unlocked = true; // Add the audio node to the pool. self._releaseHtml5Audio(audioNode); } catch (e) { self.noAudio = true; break; } } // Loop through any assigned audio nodes and unlock them. for (var i=0; i<self._howls.length; i++) { if (!self._howls[i]._webAudio) { // Get all of the sounds in this Howl group. var ids = self._howls[i]._getSoundIds(); // Loop through all sounds and unlock the audio nodes. for (var j=0; j<ids.length; j++) { var sound = self._howls[i]._soundById(ids[j]); if (sound && sound._node && !sound._node._unlocked) { sound._node._unlocked = true; sound._node.load(); } } } } // Fix Android can not play in suspend state. self._autoResume(); // Create an empty buffer. var source = self.ctx.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = self._scratchBuffer; source.connect(self.ctx.destination); // Play the empty buffer. if (typeof source.start === 'undefined') { source.noteOn(0); } else { source.start(0); } // Calling resume() on a stack initiated by user gesture is what actually unlocks the audio on Android Chrome >= 55. if (typeof self.ctx.resume === 'function') { self.ctx.resume(); } // Setup a timeout to check that we are unlocked on the next event loop. source.onended = function() { source.disconnect(0); // Update the unlocked state and prevent this check from happening again. self._audioUnlocked = true; // Remove the touch start listener. document.removeEventListener('touchstart', unlock, true); document.removeEventListener('touchend', unlock, true); document.removeEventListener('click', unlock, true); document.removeEventListener('keydown', unlock, true); // Let all sounds know that audio has been unlocked. for (var i=0; i<self._howls.length; i++) { self._howls[i]._emit('unlock'); } }; }; // Setup a touch start listener to attempt an unlock in. document.addEventListener('touchstart', unlock, true); document.addEventListener('touchend', unlock, true); document.addEventListener('click', unlock, true); document.addEventListener('keydown', unlock, true); return self; }, /** * Get an unlocked HTML5 Audio object from the pool. If none are left, * return a new Audio object and throw a warning. * @return {Audio} HTML5 Audio object. */ _obtainHtml5Audio: function() { var self = this || Howler; // Return the next object from the pool if one exists. if (self._html5AudioPool.length) { return self._html5AudioPool.pop(); } //.Check if the audio is locked and throw a warning. var testPlay = new Audio().play(); if (testPlay && typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && (testPlay instanceof Promise || typeof testPlay.then === 'function')) { testPlay.catch(function() { console.warn('HTML5 Audio pool exhausted, returning potentially locked audio object.'); }); } return new Audio(); }, /** * Return an activated HTML5 Audio object to the pool. * @return {Howler} */ _releaseHtml5Audio: function(audio) { var self = this || Howler; // Don't add audio to the pool if we don't know if it has been unlocked. if (audio._unlocked) { self._html5AudioPool.push(audio); } return self; }, /** * Automatically suspend the Web Audio AudioContext after no sound has played for 30 seconds. * This saves processing/energy and fixes various browser-specific bugs with audio getting stuck. * @return {Howler} */ _autoSuspend: function() { var self = this; if (!self.autoSuspend || !self.ctx || typeof self.ctx.suspend === 'undefined' || !Howler.usingWebAudio) { return; } // Check if any sounds are playing. for (var i=0; i<self._howls.length; i++) { if (self._howls[i]._webAudio) { for (var j=0; j<self._howls[i]._sounds.length; j++) { if (!self._howls[i]._sounds[j]._paused) { return self; } } } } if (self._suspendTimer) { clearTimeout(self._suspendTimer); } // If no sound has played after 30 seconds, suspend the context. self._suspendTimer = setTimeout(function() { if (!self.autoSuspend) { return; } self._suspendTimer = null; self.state = 'suspending'; // Handle updating the state of the audio context after suspending. var handleSuspension = function() { self.state = 'suspended'; if (self._resumeAfterSuspend) { delete self._resumeAfterSuspend; self._autoResume(); } }; // Either the state gets suspended or it is interrupted. // Either way, we need to update the state to suspended. self.ctx.suspend().then(handleSuspension, handleSuspension); }, 30000); return self; }, /** * Automatically resume the Web Audio AudioContext when a new sound is played. * @return {Howler} */ _autoResume: function() { var self = this; if (!self.ctx || typeof self.ctx.resume === 'undefined' || !Howler.usingWebAudio) { return; } if (self.state === 'running' && self.ctx.state !== 'interrupted' && self._suspendTimer) { clearTimeout(self._suspendTimer); self._suspendTimer = null; } else if (self.state === 'suspended' || self.state === 'running' && self.ctx.state === 'interrupted') { self.ctx.resume().then(function() { self.state = 'running'; // Emit to all Howls that the audio has resumed. for (var i=0; i<self._howls.length; i++) { self._howls[i]._emit('resume'); } }); if (self._suspendTimer) { clearTimeout(self._suspendTimer); self._suspendTimer = null; } } else if (self.state === 'suspending') { self._resumeAfterSuspend = true; } return self; } }; // Setup the global audio controller. var Howler = new HowlerGlobal(); /** Group Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Create an audio group controller. * @param {Object} o Passed in properties for this group. */ var Howl = function(o) { var self = this; // Throw an error if no source is provided. if (!o.src || o.src.length === 0) { console.error('An array of source files must be passed with any new Howl.'); return; } self.init(o); }; Howl.prototype = { /** * Initialize a new Howl group object. * @param {Object} o Passed in properties for this group. * @return {Howl} */ init: function(o) { var self = this; // If we don't have an AudioContext created yet, run the setup. if (!Howler.ctx) { setupAudioContext(); } // Setup user-defined default properties. self._autoplay = o.autoplay || false; self._format = (typeof o.format !== 'string') ? o.format : [o.format]; self._html5 = o.html5 || false; self._muted = o.mute || false; self._loop = o.loop || false; self._pool = o.pool || 5; self._preload = (typeof o.preload === 'boolean' || o.preload === 'metadata') ? o.preload : true; self._rate = o.rate || 1; self._sprite = o.sprite || {}; self._src = (typeof o.src !== 'string') ? o.src : [o.src]; self._volume = o.volume !== undefined ? o.volume : 1; self._xhr = { method: o.xhr && o.xhr.method ? o.xhr.method : 'GET', headers: o.xhr && o.xhr.headers ? o.xhr.headers : null, withCredentials: o.xhr && o.xhr.withCredentials ? o.xhr.withCredentials : false, }; // Setup all other default properties. self._duration = 0; self._state = 'unloaded'; self._sounds = []; self._endTimers = {}; self._queue = []; self._playLock = false; // Setup event listeners. self._onend = o.onend ? [{fn: o.onend}] : []; self._onfade = o.onfade ? [{fn: o.onfade}] : []; self._onload = o.onload ? [{fn: o.onload}] : []; self._onloaderror = o.onloaderror ? [{fn: o.onloaderror}] : []; self._onplayerror = o.onplayerror ? [{fn: o.onplayerror}] : []; self._onpause = o.onpause ? [{fn: o.onpause}] : []; self._onplay = o.onplay ? [{fn: o.onplay}] : []; self._onstop = o.onstop ? [{fn: o.onstop}] : []; self._onmute = o.onmute ? [{fn: o.onmute}] : []; self._onvolume = o.onvolume ? [{fn: o.onvolume}] : []; self._onrate = o.onrate ? [{fn: o.onrate}] : []; self._onseek = o.onseek ? [{fn: o.onseek}] : []; self._onunlock = o.onunlock ? [{fn: o.onunlock}] : []; self._onresume = []; // Web Audio or HTML5 Audio? self._webAudio = Howler.usingWebAudio && !self._html5; // Automatically try to enable audio. if (typeof Howler.ctx !== 'undefined' && Howler.ctx && Howler.autoUnlock) { Howler._unlockAudio(); } // Keep track of this Howl group in the global controller. Howler._howls.push(self); // If they selected autoplay, add a play event to the load queue. if (self._autoplay) { self._queue.push({ event: 'play', action: function() { self.play(); } }); } // Load the source file unless otherwise specified. if (self._preload && self._preload !== 'none') { self.load(); } return self; }, /** * Load the audio file. * @return {Howler} */ load: function() { var self = this; var url = null; // If no audio is available, quit immediately. if (Howler.noAudio) { self._emit('loaderror', null, 'No audio support.'); return; } // Make sure our source is in an array. if (typeof self._src === 'string') { self._src = [self._src]; } // Loop through the sources and pick the first one that is compatible. for (var i=0; i<self._src.length; i++) { var ext, str; if (self._format && self._format[i]) { // If an extension was specified, use that instead. ext = self._format[i]; } else { // Make sure the source is a string. str = self._src[i]; if (typeof str !== 'string') { self._emit('loaderror', null, 'Non-string found in selected audio sources - ignoring.'); continue; } // Extract the file extension from the URL or base64 data URI. ext = /^data:audio\/([^;,]+);/i.exec(str); if (!ext) { ext = /\.([^.]+)$/.exec(str.split('?', 1)[0]); } if (ext) { ext = ext[1].toLowerCase(); } } // Log a warning if no extension was found. if (!ext) { console.warn('No file extension was found. Consider using the "format" property or specify an extension.'); } // Check if this extension is available. if (ext && Howler.codecs(ext)) { url = self._src[i]; break; } } if (!url) { self._emit('loaderror', null, 'No codec support for selected audio sources.'); return; } self._src = url; self._state = 'loading'; // If the hosting page is HTTPS and the source isn't, // drop down to HTML5 Audio to avoid Mixed Content errors. if (window.location.protocol === 'https:' && url.slice(0, 5) === 'http:') { self._html5 = true; self._webAudio = false; } // Create a new sound object and add it to the pool. new Sound(self); // Load and decode the audio data for playback. if (self._webAudio) { loadBuffer(self); } return self; }, /** * Play a sound or resume previous playback. * @param {String/Number} sprite Sprite name for sprite playback or sound id to continue previous. * @param {Boolean} internal Internal Use: true prevents event firing. * @return {Number} Sound ID. */ play: function(sprite, internal) { var self = this; var id = null; // Determine if a sprite, sound id or nothing was passed if (typeof sprite === 'number') { id = sprite; sprite = null; } else if (typeof sprite === 'string' && self._state === 'loaded' && !self._sprite[sprite]) { // If the passed sprite doesn't exist, do nothing. return null; } else if (typeof sprite === 'undefined') { // Use the default sound sprite (plays the full audio length). sprite = '__default'; // Check if there is a single paused sound that isn't ended. // If there is, play that sound. If not, continue as usual. if (!self._playLock) { var num = 0; for (var i=0; i<self._sounds.length; i++) { if (self._sounds[i]._paused && !self._sounds[i]._ended) { num++; id = self._sounds[i]._id; } } if (num === 1) { sprite = null; } else { id = null; } } } // Get the selected node, or get one from the pool. var sound = id ? self._soundById(id) : self._inactiveSound(); // If the sound doesn't exist, do nothing. if (!sound) { return null; } // Select the sprite definition. if (id && !sprite) { sprite = sound._sprite || '__default'; } // If the sound hasn't loaded, we must wait to get the audio's duration. // We also need to wait to make sure we don't run into race conditions with // the order of function calls. if (self._state !== 'loaded') { // Set the sprite value on this sound. sound._sprite = sprite; // Mark this sound as not ended in case another sound is played before this one loads. sound._ended = false; // Add the sound to the queue to be played on load. var soundId = sound._id; self._queue.push({ event: 'play', action: function() { self.play(soundId); } }); return soundId; } // Don't play the sound if an id was passed and it is already playing. if (id && !sound._paused) { // Trigger the play event, in order to keep iterating through queue. if (!internal) { self._loadQueue('play'); } return sound._id; } // Make sure the AudioContext isn't suspended, and resume it if it is. if (self._webAudio) { Howler._autoResume(); } // Determine how long to play for and where to start playing. var seek = Math.max(0, sound._seek > 0 ? sound._seek : self._sprite[sprite][0] / 1000); var duration = Math.max(0, ((self._sprite[sprite][0] + self._sprite[sprite][1]) / 1000) - seek); var timeout = (duration * 1000) / Math.abs(sound._rate); var start = self._sprite[sprite][0] / 1000; var stop = (self._sprite[sprite][0] + self._sprite[sprite][1]) / 1000; sound._sprite = sprite; // Mark the sound as ended instantly so that this async playback // doesn't get grabbed by another call to play while this one waits to start. sound._ended = false; // Update the parameters of the sound. var setParams = function() { sound._paused = false; sound._seek = seek; sound._start = start; sound._stop = stop; sound._loop = !!(sound._loop || self._sprite[sprite][2]); }; // End the sound instantly if seek is at the end. if (seek >= stop) { self._ended(sound); return; } // Begin the actual playback. var node = sound._node; if (self._webAudio) { // Fire this when the sound is ready to play to begin Web Audio playback. var playWebAudio = function() { self._playLock = false; setParams(); self._refreshBuffer(sound); // Setup the playback params. var vol = (sound._muted || self._muted) ? 0 : sound._volume; node.gain.setValueAtTime(vol, Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._playStart = Howler.ctx.currentTime; // Play the sound using the supported method. if (typeof node.bufferSource.start === 'undefined') { sound._loop ? node.bufferSource.noteGrainOn(0, seek, 86400) : node.bufferSource.noteGrainOn(0, seek, duration); } else { sound._loop ? node.bufferSource.start(0, seek, 86400) : node.bufferSource.start(0, seek, duration); } // Start a new timer if none is present. if (timeout !== Infinity) { self._endTimers[sound._id] = setTimeout(self._ended.bind(self, sound), timeout); } if (!internal) { setTimeout(function() { self._emit('play', sound._id); self._loadQueue(); }, 0); } }; if (Howler.state === 'running' && Howler.ctx.state !== 'interrupted') { playWebAudio(); } else { self._playLock = true; // Wait for the audio context to resume before playing. self.once('resume', playWebAudio); // Cancel the end timer. self._clearTimer(sound._id); } } else { // Fire this when the sound is ready to play to begin HTML5 Audio playback. var playHtml5 = function() { node.currentTime = seek; node.muted = sound._muted || self._muted || Howler._muted || node.muted; node.volume = sound._volume * Howler.volume(); node.playbackRate = sound._rate; // Some browsers will throw an error if this is called without user interaction. try { var play = node.play(); // Support older browsers that don't support promises, and thus don't have this issue. if (play && typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && (play instanceof Promise || typeof play.then === 'function')) { // Implements a lock to prevent DOMException: The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause(). self._playLock = true; // Set param values immediately. setParams(); // Releases the lock and executes queued actions. play .then(function() { self._playLock = false; node._unlocked = true; if (!internal) { self._emit('play', sound._id); } else { self._loadQueue(); } }) .catch(function() { self._playLock = false; self._emit('playerror', sound._id, 'Playback was unable to start. This is most commonly an issue ' + 'on mobile devices and Chrome where playback was not within a user interaction.'); // Reset the ended and paused values. sound._ended = true; sound._paused = true; }); } else if (!internal) { self._playLock = false; setParams(); self._emit('play', sound._id); } // Setting rate before playing won't work in IE, so we set it again here. node.playbackRate = sound._rate; // If the node is still paused, then we can assume there was a playback issue. if (node.paused) { self._emit('playerror', sound._id, 'Playback was unable to start. This is most commonly an issue ' + 'on mobile devices and Chrome where playback was not within a user interaction.'); return; } // Setup the end timer on sprites or listen for the ended event. if (sprite !== '__default' || sound._loop) { self._endTimers[sound._id] = setTimeout(self._ended.bind(self, sound), timeout); } else { self._endTimers[sound._id] = function() { // Fire ended on this audio node. self._ended(sound); // Clear this listener. node.removeEventListener('ended', self._endTimers[sound._id], false); }; node.addEventListener('ended', self._endTimers[sound._id], false); } } catch (err) { self._emit('playerror', sound._id, err); } }; // If this is streaming audio, make sure the src is set and load again. if (node.src === 'data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRigAAABXQVZFZm10IBIAAAABAAEARKwAAIhYAQACABAAAABkYXRhAgAAAAEA') { node.src = self._src; node.load(); } // Play immediately if ready, or wait for the 'canplaythrough'e vent. var loadedNoReadyState = (window && window.ejecta) || (!node.readyState && Howler._navigator.isCocoonJS); if (node.readyState >= 3 || loadedNoReadyState) { playHtml5(); } else { self._playLock = true; self._state = 'loading'; var listener = function() { self._state = 'loaded'; // Begin playback. playHtml5(); // Clear this listener. node.removeEventListener(Howler._canPlayEvent, listener, false); }; node.addEventListener(Howler._canPlayEvent, listener, false); // Cancel the end timer. self._clearTimer(sound._id); } } return sound._id; }, /** * Pause playback and save current position. * @param {Number} id The sound ID (empty to pause all in group). * @return {Howl} */ pause: function(id) { var self = this; // If the sound hasn't loaded or a play() promise is pending, add it to the load queue to pause when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded' || self._playLock) { self._queue.push({ event: 'pause', action: function() { self.pause(id); } }); return self; } // If no id is passed, get all ID's to be paused. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { // Clear the end timer. self._clearTimer(ids[i]); // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound && !sound._paused) { // Reset the seek position. sound._seek = self.seek(ids[i]); sound._rateSeek = 0; sound._paused = true; // Stop currently running fades. self._stopFade(ids[i]); if (sound._node) { if (self._webAudio) { // Make sure the sound has been created. if (!sound._node.bufferSource) { continue; } if (typeof sound._node.bufferSource.stop === 'undefined') { sound._node.bufferSource.noteOff(0); } else { sound._node.bufferSource.stop(0); } // Clean up the buffer source. self._cleanBuffer(sound._node); } else if (!isNaN(sound._node.duration) || sound._node.duration === Infinity) { sound._node.pause(); } } } // Fire the pause event, unless `true` is passed as the 2nd argument. if (!arguments[1]) { self._emit('pause', sound ? sound._id : null); } } return self; }, /** * Stop playback and reset to start. * @param {Number} id The sound ID (empty to stop all in group). * @param {Boolean} internal Internal Use: true prevents event firing. * @return {Howl} */ stop: function(id, internal) { var self = this; // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to stop when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded' || self._playLock) { self._queue.push({ event: 'stop', action: function() { self.stop(id); } }); return self; } // If no id is passed, get all ID's to be stopped. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { // Clear the end timer. self._clearTimer(ids[i]); // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound) { // Reset the seek position. sound._seek = sound._start || 0; sound._rateSeek = 0; sound._paused = true; sound._ended = true; // Stop currently running fades. self._stopFade(ids[i]); if (sound._node) { if (self._webAudio) { // Make sure the sound's AudioBufferSourceNode has been created. if (sound._node.bufferSource) { if (typeof sound._node.bufferSource.stop === 'undefined') { sound._node.bufferSource.noteOff(0); } else { sound._node.bufferSource.stop(0); } // Clean up the buffer source. self._cleanBuffer(sound._node); } } else if (!isNaN(sound._node.duration) || sound._node.duration === Infinity) { sound._node.currentTime = sound._start || 0; sound._node.pause(); // If this is a live stream, stop download once the audio is stopped. if (sound._node.duration === Infinity) { self._clearSound(sound._node); } } } if (!internal) { self._emit('stop', sound._id); } } } return self; }, /** * Mute/unmute a single sound or all sounds in this Howl group. * @param {Boolean} muted Set to true to mute and false to unmute. * @param {Number} id The sound ID to update (omit to mute/unmute all). * @return {Howl} */ mute: function(muted, id) { var self = this; // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to mute when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded'|| self._playLock) { self._queue.push({ event: 'mute', action: function() { self.mute(muted, id); } }); return self; } // If applying mute/unmute to all sounds, update the group's value. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { if (typeof muted === 'boolean') { self._muted = muted; } else { return self._muted; } } // If no id is passed, get all ID's to be muted. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound) { sound._muted = muted; // Cancel active fade and set the volume to the end value. if (sound._interval) { self._stopFade(sound._id); } if (self._webAudio && sound._node) { sound._node.gain.setValueAtTime(muted ? 0 : sound._volume, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else if (sound._node) { sound._node.muted = Howler._muted ? true : muted; } self._emit('mute', sound._id); } } return self; }, /** * Get/set the volume of this sound or of the Howl group. This method can optionally take 0, 1 or 2 arguments. * volume() -> Returns the group's volume value. * volume(id) -> Returns the sound id's current volume. * volume(vol) -> Sets the volume of all sounds in this Howl group. * volume(vol, id) -> Sets the volume of passed sound id. * @return {Howl/Number} Returns self or current volume. */ volume: function() { var self = this; var args = arguments; var vol, id; // Determine the values based on arguments. if (args.length === 0) { // Return the value of the groups' volume. return self._volume; } else if (args.length === 1 || args.length === 2 && typeof args[1] === 'undefined') { // First check if this is an ID, and if not, assume it is a new volume. var ids = self._getSoundIds(); var index = ids.indexOf(args[0]); if (index >= 0) { id = parseInt(args[0], 10); } else { vol = parseFloat(args[0]); } } else if (args.length >= 2) { vol = parseFloat(args[0]); id = parseInt(args[1], 10); } // Update the volume or return the current volume. var sound; if (typeof vol !== 'undefined' && vol >= 0 && vol <= 1) { // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to change volume when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded'|| self._playLock) { self._queue.push({ event: 'volume', action: function() { self.volume.apply(self, args); } }); return self; } // Set the group volume. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { self._volume = vol; } // Update one or all volumes. id = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<id.length; i++) { // Get the sound. sound = self._soundById(id[i]); if (sound) { sound._volume = vol; // Stop currently running fades. if (!args[2]) { self._stopFade(id[i]); } if (self._webAudio && sound._node && !sound._muted) { sound._node.gain.setValueAtTime(vol, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else if (sound._node && !sound._muted) { sound._node.volume = vol * Howler.volume(); } self._emit('volume', sound._id); } } } else { sound = id ? self._soundById(id) : self._sounds[0]; return sound ? sound._volume : 0; } return self; }, /** * Fade a currently playing sound between two volumes (if no id is passed, all sounds will fade). * @param {Number} from The value to fade from (0.0 to 1.0). * @param {Number} to The volume to fade to (0.0 to 1.0). * @param {Number} len Time in milliseconds to fade. * @param {Number} id The sound id (omit to fade all sounds). * @return {Howl} */ fade: function(from, to, len, id) { var self = this; // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to fade when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded' || self._playLock) { self._queue.push({ event: 'fade', action: function() { self.fade(from, to, len, id); } }); return self; } // Make sure the to/from/len values are numbers. from = Math.min(Math.max(0, parseFloat(from)), 1); to = Math.min(Math.max(0, parseFloat(to)), 1); len = parseFloat(len); // Set the volume to the start position. self.volume(from, id); // Fade the volume of one or all sounds. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); // Create a linear fade or fall back to timeouts with HTML5 Audio. if (sound) { // Stop the previous fade if no sprite is being used (otherwise, volume handles this). if (!id) { self._stopFade(ids[i]); } // If we are using Web Audio, let the native methods do the actual fade. if (self._webAudio && !sound._muted) { var currentTime = Howler.ctx.currentTime; var end = currentTime + (len / 1000); sound._volume = from; sound._node.gain.setValueAtTime(from, currentTime); sound._node.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(to, end); } self._startFadeInterval(sound, from, to, len, ids[i], typeof id === 'undefined'); } } return self; }, /** * Starts the internal interval to fade a sound. * @param {Object} sound Reference to sound to fade. * @param {Number} from The value to fade from (0.0 to 1.0). * @param {Number} to The volume to fade to (0.0 to 1.0). * @param {Number} len Time in milliseconds to fade. * @param {Number} id The sound id to fade. * @param {Boolean} isGroup If true, set the volume on the group. */ _startFadeInterval: function(sound, from, to, len, id, isGroup) { var self = this; var vol = from; var diff = to - from; var steps = Math.abs(diff / 0.01); var stepLen = Math.max(4, (steps > 0) ? len / steps : len); var lastTick = Date.now(); // Store the value being faded to. sound._fadeTo = to; // Update the volume value on each interval tick. sound._interval = setInterval(function() { // Update the volume based on the time since the last tick. var tick = (Date.now() - lastTick) / len; lastTick = Date.now(); vol += diff * tick; // Round to within 2 decimal points. vol = Math.round(vol * 100) / 100; // Make sure the volume is in the right bounds. if (diff < 0) { vol = Math.max(to, vol); } else { vol = Math.min(to, vol); } // Change the volume. if (self._webAudio) { sound._volume = vol; } else { self.volume(vol, sound._id, true); } // Set the group's volume. if (isGroup) { self._volume = vol; } // When the fade is complete, stop it and fire event. if ((to < from && vol <= to) || (to > from && vol >= to)) { clearInterval(sound._interval); sound._interval = null; sound._fadeTo = null; self.volume(to, sound._id); self._emit('fade', sound._id); } }, stepLen); }, /** * Internal method that stops the currently playing fade when * a new fade starts, volume is changed or the sound is stopped. * @param {Number} id The sound id. * @return {Howl} */ _stopFade: function(id) { var self = this; var sound = self._soundById(id); if (sound && sound._interval) { if (self._webAudio) { sound._node.gain.cancelScheduledValues(Howler.ctx.currentTime); } clearInterval(sound._interval); sound._interval = null; self.volume(sound._fadeTo, id); sound._fadeTo = null; self._emit('fade', id); } return self; }, /** * Get/set the loop parameter on a sound. This method can optionally take 0, 1 or 2 arguments. * loop() -> Returns the group's loop value. * loop(id) -> Returns the sound id's loop value. * loop(loop) -> Sets the loop value for all sounds in this Howl group. * loop(loop, id) -> Sets the loop value of passed sound id. * @return {Howl/Boolean} Returns self or current loop value. */ loop: function() { var self = this; var args = arguments; var loop, id, sound; // Determine the values for loop and id. if (args.length === 0) { // Return the grou's loop value. return self._loop; } else if (args.length === 1) { if (typeof args[0] === 'boolean') { loop = args[0]; self._loop = loop; } else { // Return this sound's loop value. sound = self._soundById(parseInt(args[0], 10)); return sound ? sound._loop : false; } } else if (args.length === 2) { loop = args[0]; id = parseInt(args[1], 10); } // If no id is passed, get all ID's to be looped. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound) { sound._loop = loop; if (self._webAudio && sound._node && sound._node.bufferSource) { sound._node.bufferSource.loop = loop; if (loop) { sound._node.bufferSource.loopStart = sound._start || 0; sound._node.bufferSource.loopEnd = sound._stop; // If playing, restart playback to ensure looping updates. if (self.playing(ids[i])) { self.pause(ids[i], true); self.play(ids[i], true); } } } } } return self; }, /** * Get/set the playback rate of a sound. This method can optionally take 0, 1 or 2 arguments. * rate() -> Returns the first sound node's current playback rate. * rate(id) -> Returns the sound id's current playback rate. * rate(rate) -> Sets the playback rate of all sounds in this Howl group. * rate(rate, id) -> Sets the playback rate of passed sound id. * @return {Howl/Number} Returns self or the current playback rate. */ rate: function() { var self = this; var args = arguments; var rate, id; // Determine the values based on arguments. if (args.length === 0) { // We will simply return the current rate of the first node. id = self._sounds[0]._id; } else if (args.length === 1) { // First check if this is an ID, and if not, assume it is a new rate value. var ids = self._getSoundIds(); var index = ids.indexOf(args[0]); if (index >= 0) { id = parseInt(args[0], 10); } else { rate = parseFloat(args[0]); } } else if (args.length === 2) { rate = parseFloat(args[0]); id = parseInt(args[1], 10); } // Update the playback rate or return the current value. var sound; if (typeof rate === 'number') { // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to change playback rate when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded' || self._playLock) { self._queue.push({ event: 'rate', action: function() { self.rate.apply(self, args); } }); return self; } // Set the group rate. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { self._rate = rate; } // Update one or all volumes. id = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<id.length; i++) { // Get the sound. sound = self._soundById(id[i]); if (sound) { // Keep track of our position when the rate changed and update the playback // start position so we can properly adjust the seek position for time elapsed. if (self.playing(id[i])) { sound._rateSeek = self.seek(id[i]); sound._playStart = self._webAudio ? Howler.ctx.currentTime : sound._playStart; } sound._rate = rate; // Change the playback rate. if (self._webAudio && sound._node && sound._node.bufferSource) { sound._node.bufferSource.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(rate, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else if (sound._node) { sound._node.playbackRate = rate; } // Reset the timers. var seek = self.seek(id[i]); var duration = ((self._sprite[sound._sprite][0] + self._sprite[sound._sprite][1]) / 1000) - seek; var timeout = (duration * 1000) / Math.abs(sound._rate); // Start a new end timer if sound is already playing. if (self._endTimers[id[i]] || !sound._paused) { self._clearTimer(id[i]); self._endTimers[id[i]] = setTimeout(self._ended.bind(self, sound), timeout); } self._emit('rate', sound._id); } } } else { sound = self._soundById(id); return sound ? sound._rate : self._rate; } return self; }, /** * Get/set the seek position of a sound. This method can optionally take 0, 1 or 2 arguments. * seek() -> Returns the first sound node's current seek position. * seek(id) -> Returns the sound id's current seek position. * seek(seek) -> Sets the seek position of the first sound node. * seek(seek, id) -> Sets the seek position of passed sound id. * @return {Howl/Number} Returns self or the current seek position. */ seek: function() { var self = this; var args = arguments; var seek, id; // Determine the values based on arguments. if (args.length === 0) { // We will simply return the current position of the first node. if (self._sounds.length) { id = self._sounds[0]._id; } } else if (args.length === 1) { // First check if this is an ID, and if not, assume it is a new seek position. var ids = self._getSoundIds(); var index = ids.indexOf(args[0]); if (index >= 0) { id = parseInt(args[0], 10); } else if (self._sounds.length) { id = self._sounds[0]._id; seek = parseFloat(args[0]); } } else if (args.length === 2) { seek = parseFloat(args[0]); id = parseInt(args[1], 10); } // If there is no ID, bail out. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { return 0; } // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to seek when capable. if (typeof seek === 'number' && (self._state !== 'loaded' || self._playLock)) { self._queue.push({ event: 'seek', action: function() { self.seek.apply(self, args); } }); return self; } // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(id); if (sound) { if (typeof seek === 'number' && seek >= 0) { // Pause the sound and update position for restarting playback. var playing = self.playing(id); if (playing) { self.pause(id, true); } // Move the position of the track and cancel timer. sound._seek = seek; sound._ended = false; self._clearTimer(id); // Update the seek position for HTML5 Audio. if (!self._webAudio && sound._node && !isNaN(sound._node.duration)) { sound._node.currentTime = seek; } // Seek and emit when ready. var seekAndEmit = function() { // Restart the playback if the sound was playing. if (playing) { self.play(id, true); } self._emit('seek', id); }; // Wait for the play lock to be unset before emitting (HTML5 Audio). if (playing && !self._webAudio) { var emitSeek = function() { if (!self._playLock) { seekAndEmit(); } else { setTimeout(emitSeek, 0); } }; setTimeout(emitSeek, 0); } else { seekAndEmit(); } } else { if (self._webAudio) { var realTime = self.playing(id) ? Howler.ctx.currentTime - sound._playStart : 0; var rateSeek = sound._rateSeek ? sound._rateSeek - sound._seek : 0; return sound._seek + (rateSeek + realTime * Math.abs(sound._rate)); } else { return sound._node.currentTime; } } } return self; }, /** * Check if a specific sound is currently playing or not (if id is provided), or check if at least one of the sounds in the group is playing or not. * @param {Number} id The sound id to check. If none is passed, the whole sound group is checked. * @return {Boolean} True if playing and false if not. */ playing: function(id) { var self = this; // Check the passed sound ID (if any). if (typeof id === 'number') { var sound = self._soundById(id); return sound ? !sound._paused : false; } // Otherwise, loop through all sounds and check if any are playing. for (var i=0; i<self._sounds.length; i++) { if (!self._sounds[i]._paused) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * Get the duration of this sound. Passing a sound id will return the sprite duration. * @param {Number} id The sound id to check. If none is passed, return full source duration. * @return {Number} Audio duration in seconds. */ duration: function(id) { var self = this; var duration = self._duration; // If we pass an ID, get the sound and return the sprite length. var sound = self._soundById(id); if (sound) { duration = self._sprite[sound._sprite][1] / 1000; } return duration; }, /** * Returns the current loaded state of this Howl. * @return {String} 'unloaded', 'loading', 'loaded' */ state: function() { return this._state; }, /** * Unload and destroy the current Howl object. * This will immediately stop all sound instances attached to this group. */ unload: function() { var self = this; // Stop playing any active sounds. var sounds = self._sounds; for (var i=0; i<sounds.length; i++) { // Stop the sound if it is currently playing. if (!sounds[i]._paused) { self.stop(sounds[i]._id); } // Remove the source or disconnect. if (!self._webAudio) { // Set the source to 0-second silence to stop any downloading (except in IE). self._clearSound(sounds[i]._node); // Remove any event listeners. sounds[i]._node.removeEventListener('error', sounds[i]._errorFn, false); sounds[i]._node.removeEventListener(Howler._canPlayEvent, sounds[i]._loadFn, false); sounds[i]._node.removeEventListener('ended', sounds[i]._endFn, false); // Release the Audio object back to the pool. Howler._releaseHtml5Audio(sounds[i]._node); } // Empty out all of the nodes. delete sounds[i]._node; // Make sure all timers are cleared out. self._clearTimer(sounds[i]._id); } // Remove the references in the global Howler object. var index = Howler._howls.indexOf(self); if (index >= 0) { Howler._howls.splice(index, 1); } // Delete this sound from the cache (if no other Howl is using it). var remCache = true; for (i=0; i<Howler._howls.length; i++) { if (Howler._howls[i]._src === self._src || self._src.indexOf(Howler._howls[i]._src) >= 0) { remCache = false; break; } } if (cache && remCache) { delete cache[self._src]; } // Clear global errors. Howler.noAudio = false; // Clear out `self`. self._state = 'unloaded'; self._sounds = []; self = null; return null; }, /** * Listen to a custom event. * @param {String} event Event name. * @param {Function} fn Listener to call. * @param {Number} id (optional) Only listen to events for this sound. * @param {Number} once (INTERNAL) Marks event to fire only once. * @return {Howl} */ on: function(event, fn, id, once) { var self = this; var events = self['_on' + event]; if (typeof fn === 'function') { events.push(once ? {id: id, fn: fn, once: once} : {id: id, fn: fn}); } return self; }, /** * Remove a custom event. Call without parameters to remove all events. * @param {String} event Event name. * @param {Function} fn Listener to remove. Leave empty to remove all. * @param {Number} id (optional) Only remove events for this sound. * @return {Howl} */ off: function(event, fn, id) { var self = this; var events = self['_on' + event]; var i = 0; // Allow passing just an event and ID. if (typeof fn === 'number') { id = fn; fn = null; } if (fn || id) { // Loop through event store and remove the passed function. for (i=0; i<events.length; i++) { var isId = (id === events[i].id); if (fn === events[i].fn && isId || !fn && isId) { events.splice(i, 1); break; } } } else if (event) { // Clear out all events of this type. self['_on' + event] = []; } else { // Clear out all events of every type. var keys = Object.keys(self); for (i=0; i<keys.length; i++) { if ((keys[i].indexOf('_on') === 0) && Array.isArray(self[keys[i]])) { self[keys[i]] = []; } } } return self; }, /** * Listen to a custom event and remove it once fired. * @param {String} event Event name. * @param {Function} fn Listener to call. * @param {Number} id (optional) Only listen to events for this sound. * @return {Howl} */ once: function(event, fn, id) { var self = this; // Setup the event listener. self.on(event, fn, id, 1); return self; }, /** * Emit all events of a specific type and pass the sound id. * @param {String} event Event name. * @param {Number} id Sound ID. * @param {Number} msg Message to go with event. * @return {Howl} */ _emit: function(event, id, msg) { var self = this; var events = self['_on' + event]; // Loop through event store and fire all functions. for (var i=events.length-1; i>=0; i--) { // Only fire the listener if the correct ID is used. if (!events[i].id || events[i].id === id || event === 'load') { setTimeout(function(fn) { fn.call(this, id, msg); }.bind(self, events[i].fn), 0); // If this event was setup with `once`, remove it. if (events[i].once) { self.off(event, events[i].fn, events[i].id); } } } // Pass the event type into load queue so that it can continue stepping. self._loadQueue(event); return self; }, /** * Queue of actions initiated before the sound has loaded. * These will be called in sequence, with the next only firing * after the previous has finished executing (even if async like play). * @return {Howl} */ _loadQueue: function(event) { var self = this; if (self._queue.length > 0) { var task = self._queue[0]; // Remove this task if a matching event was passed. if (task.event === event) { self._queue.shift(); self._loadQueue(); } // Run the task if no event type is passed. if (!event) { task.action(); } } return self; }, /** * Fired when playback ends at the end of the duration. * @param {Sound} sound The sound object to work with. * @return {Howl} */ _ended: function(sound) { var self = this; var sprite = sound._sprite; // If we are using IE and there was network latency we may be clipping // audio before it completes playing. Lets check the node to make sure it // believes it has completed, before ending the playback. if (!self._webAudio && sound._node && !sound._node.paused && !sound._node.ended && sound._node.currentTime < sound._stop) { setTimeout(self._ended.bind(self, sound), 100); return self; } // Should this sound loop? var loop = !!(sound._loop || self._sprite[sprite][2]); // Fire the ended event. self._emit('end', sound._id); // Restart the playback for HTML5 Audio loop. if (!self._webAudio && loop) { self.stop(sound._id, true).play(sound._id); } // Restart this timer if on a Web Audio loop. if (self._webAudio && loop) { self._emit('play', sound._id); sound._seek = sound._start || 0; sound._rateSeek = 0; sound._playStart = Howler.ctx.currentTime; var timeout = ((sound._stop - sound._start) * 1000) / Math.abs(sound._rate); self._endTimers[sound._id] = setTimeout(self._ended.bind(self, sound), timeout); } // Mark the node as paused. if (self._webAudio && !loop) { sound._paused = true; sound._ended = true; sound._seek = sound._start || 0; sound._rateSeek = 0; self._clearTimer(sound._id); // Clean up the buffer source. self._cleanBuffer(sound._node); // Attempt to auto-suspend AudioContext if no sounds are still playing. Howler._autoSuspend(); } // When using a sprite, end the track. if (!self._webAudio && !loop) { self.stop(sound._id, true); } return self; }, /** * Clear the end timer for a sound playback. * @param {Number} id The sound ID. * @return {Howl} */ _clearTimer: function(id) { var self = this; if (self._endTimers[id]) { // Clear the timeout or remove the ended listener. if (typeof self._endTimers[id] !== 'function') { clearTimeout(self._endTimers[id]); } else { var sound = self._soundById(id); if (sound && sound._node) { sound._node.removeEventListener('ended', self._endTimers[id], false); } } delete self._endTimers[id]; } return self; }, /** * Return the sound identified by this ID, or return null. * @param {Number} id Sound ID * @return {Object} Sound object or null. */ _soundById: function(id) { var self = this; // Loop through all sounds and find the one with this ID. for (var i=0; i<self._sounds.length; i++) { if (id === self._sounds[i]._id) { return self._sounds[i]; } } return null; }, /** * Return an inactive sound from the pool or create a new one. * @return {Sound} Sound playback object. */ _inactiveSound: function() { var self = this; self._drain(); // Find the first inactive node to recycle. for (var i=0; i<self._sounds.length; i++) { if (self._sounds[i]._ended) { return self._sounds[i].reset(); } } // If no inactive node was found, create a new one. return new Sound(self); }, /** * Drain excess inactive sounds from the pool. */ _drain: function() { var self = this; var limit = self._pool; var cnt = 0; var i = 0; // If there are less sounds than the max pool size, we are done. if (self._sounds.length < limit) { return; } // Count the number of inactive sounds. for (i=0; i<self._sounds.length; i++) { if (self._sounds[i]._ended) { cnt++; } } // Remove excess inactive sounds, going in reverse order. for (i=self._sounds.length - 1; i>=0; i--) { if (cnt <= limit) { return; } if (self._sounds[i]._ended) { // Disconnect the audio source when using Web Audio. if (self._webAudio && self._sounds[i]._node) { self._sounds[i]._node.disconnect(0); } // Remove sounds until we have the pool size. self._sounds.splice(i, 1); cnt--; } } }, /** * Get all ID's from the sounds pool. * @param {Number} id Only return one ID if one is passed. * @return {Array} Array of IDs. */ _getSoundIds: function(id) { var self = this; if (typeof id === 'undefined') { var ids = []; for (var i=0; i<self._sounds.length; i++) { ids.push(self._sounds[i]._id); } return ids; } else { return [id]; } }, /** * Load the sound back into the buffer source. * @param {Sound} sound The sound object to work with. * @return {Howl} */ _refreshBuffer: function(sound) { var self = this; // Setup the buffer source for playback. sound._node.bufferSource = Howler.ctx.createBufferSource(); sound._node.bufferSource.buffer = cache[self._src]; // Connect to the correct node. if (sound._panner) { sound._node.bufferSource.connect(sound._panner); } else { sound._node.bufferSource.connect(sound._node); } // Setup looping and playback rate. sound._node.bufferSource.loop = sound._loop; if (sound._loop) { sound._node.bufferSource.loopStart = sound._start || 0; sound._node.bufferSource.loopEnd = sound._stop || 0; } sound._node.bufferSource.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(sound._rate, Howler.ctx.currentTime); return self; }, /** * Prevent memory leaks by cleaning up the buffer source after playback. * @param {Object} node Sound's audio node containing the buffer source. * @return {Howl} */ _cleanBuffer: function(node) { var self = this; var isIOS = Howler._navigator && Howler._navigator.vendor.indexOf('Apple') >= 0; if (!node.bufferSource) { return self; } if (Howler._scratchBuffer && node.bufferSource) { node.bufferSource.onended = null; node.bufferSource.disconnect(0); if (isIOS) { try { node.bufferSource.buffer = Howler._scratchBuffer; } catch(e) {} } } node.bufferSource = null; return self; }, /** * Set the source to a 0-second silence to stop any downloading (except in IE). * @param {Object} node Audio node to clear. */ _clearSound: function(node) { var checkIE = /MSIE |Trident\//.test(Howler._navigator && Howler._navigator.userAgent); if (!checkIE) { node.src = 'data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRigAAABXQVZFZm10IBIAAAABAAEARKwAAIhYAQACABAAAABkYXRhAgAAAAEA'; } } }; /** Single Sound Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Setup the sound object, which each node attached to a Howl group is contained in. * @param {Object} howl The Howl parent group. */ var Sound = function(howl) { this._parent = howl; this.init(); }; Sound.prototype = { /** * Initialize a new Sound object. * @return {Sound} */ init: function() { var self = this; var parent = self._parent; // Setup the default parameters. self._muted = parent._muted; self._loop = parent._loop; self._volume = parent._volume; self._rate = parent._rate; self._seek = 0; self._paused = true; self._ended = true; self._sprite = '__default'; // Generate a unique ID for this sound. self._id = ++Howler._counter; // Add itself to the parent's pool. parent._sounds.push(self); // Create the new node. self.create(); return self; }, /** * Create and setup a new sound object, whether HTML5 Audio or Web Audio. * @return {Sound} */ create: function() { var self = this; var parent = self._parent; var volume = (Howler._muted || self._muted || self._parent._muted) ? 0 : self._volume; if (parent._webAudio) { // Create the gain node for controlling volume (the source will connect to this). self._node = (typeof Howler.ctx.createGain === 'undefined') ? Howler.ctx.createGainNode() : Howler.ctx.createGain(); self._node.gain.setValueAtTime(volume, Howler.ctx.currentTime); self._node.paused = true; self._node.connect(Howler.masterGain); } else if (!Howler.noAudio) { // Get an unlocked Audio object from the pool. self._node = Howler._obtainHtml5Audio(); // Listen for errors (http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/spec.html#mediaerror). self._errorFn = self._errorListener.bind(self); self._node.addEventListener('error', self._errorFn, false); // Listen for 'canplaythrough' event to let us know the sound is ready. self._loadFn = self._loadListener.bind(self); self._node.addEventListener(Howler._canPlayEvent, self._loadFn, false); // Listen for the 'ended' event on the sound to account for edge-case where // a finite sound has a duration of Infinity. self._endFn = self._endListener.bind(self); self._node.addEventListener('ended', self._endFn, false); // Setup the new audio node. self._node.src = parent._src; self._node.preload = parent._preload === true ? 'auto' : parent._preload; self._node.volume = volume * Howler.volume(); // Begin loading the source. self._node.load(); } return self; }, /** * Reset the parameters of this sound to the original state (for recycle). * @return {Sound} */ reset: function() { var self = this; var parent = self._parent; // Reset all of the parameters of this sound. self._muted = parent._muted; self._loop = parent._loop; self._volume = parent._volume; self._rate = parent._rate; self._seek = 0; self._rateSeek = 0; self._paused = true; self._ended = true; self._sprite = '__default'; // Generate a new ID so that it isn't confused with the previous sound. self._id = ++Howler._counter; return self; }, /** * HTML5 Audio error listener callback. */ _errorListener: function() { var self = this; // Fire an error event and pass back the code. self._parent._emit('loaderror', self._id, self._node.error ? self._node.error.code : 0); // Clear the event listener. self._node.removeEventListener('error', self._errorFn, false); }, /** * HTML5 Audio canplaythrough listener callback. */ _loadListener: function() { var self = this; var parent = self._parent; // Round up the duration to account for the lower precision in HTML5 Audio. parent._duration = Math.ceil(self._node.duration * 10) / 10; // Setup a sprite if none is defined. if (Object.keys(parent._sprite).length === 0) { parent._sprite = {__default: [0, parent._duration * 1000]}; } if (parent._state !== 'loaded') { parent._state = 'loaded'; parent._emit('load'); parent._loadQueue(); } // Clear the event listener. self._node.removeEventListener(Howler._canPlayEvent, self._loadFn, false); }, /** * HTML5 Audio ended listener callback. */ _endListener: function() { var self = this; var parent = self._parent; // Only handle the `ended`` event if the duration is Infinity. if (parent._duration === Infinity) { // Update the parent duration to match the real audio duration. // Round up the duration to account for the lower precision in HTML5 Audio. parent._duration = Math.ceil(self._node.duration * 10) / 10; // Update the sprite that corresponds to the real duration. if (parent._sprite.__default[1] === Infinity) { parent._sprite.__default[1] = parent._duration * 1000; } // Run the regular ended method. parent._ended(self); } // Clear the event listener since the duration is now correct. self._node.removeEventListener('ended', self._endFn, false); } }; /** Helper Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ var cache = {}; /** * Buffer a sound from URL, Data URI or cache and decode to audio source (Web Audio API). * @param {Howl} self */ var loadBuffer = function(self) { var url = self._src; // Check if the buffer has already been cached and use it instead. if (cache[url]) { // Set the duration from the cache. self._duration = cache[url].duration; // Load the sound into this Howl. loadSound(self); return; } if (/^data:[^;]+;base64,/.test(url)) { // Decode the base64 data URI without XHR, since some browsers don't support it. var data = atob(url.split(',')[1]); var dataView = new Uint8Array(data.length); for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) { dataView[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); } decodeAudioData(dataView.buffer, self); } else { // Load the buffer from the URL. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(self._xhr.method, url, true); xhr.withCredentials = self._xhr.withCredentials; xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; // Apply any custom headers to the request. if (self._xhr.headers) { Object.keys(self._xhr.headers).forEach(function(key) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, self._xhr.headers[key]); }); } xhr.onload = function() { // Make sure we get a successful response back. var code = (xhr.status + '')[0]; if (code !== '0' && code !== '2' && code !== '3') { self._emit('loaderror', null, 'Failed loading audio file with status: ' + xhr.status + '.'); return; } decodeAudioData(xhr.response, self); }; xhr.onerror = function() { // If there is an error, switch to HTML5 Audio. if (self._webAudio) { self._html5 = true; self._webAudio = false; self._sounds = []; delete cache[url]; self.load(); } }; safeXhrSend(xhr); } }; /** * Send the XHR request wrapped in a try/catch. * @param {Object} xhr XHR to send. */ var safeXhrSend = function(xhr) { try { xhr.send(); } catch (e) { xhr.onerror(); } }; /** * Decode audio data from an array buffer. * @param {ArrayBuffer} arraybuffer The audio data. * @param {Howl} self */ var decodeAudioData = function(arraybuffer, self) { // Fire a load error if something broke. var error = function() { self._emit('loaderror', null, 'Decoding audio data failed.'); }; // Load the sound on success. var success = function(buffer) { if (buffer && self._sounds.length > 0) { cache[self._src] = buffer; loadSound(self, buffer); } else { error(); } }; // Decode the buffer into an audio source. if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && Howler.ctx.decodeAudioData.length === 1) { Howler.ctx.decodeAudioData(arraybuffer).then(success).catch(error); } else { Howler.ctx.decodeAudioData(arraybuffer, success, error); } } /** * Sound is now loaded, so finish setting everything up and fire the loaded event. * @param {Howl} self * @param {Object} buffer The decoded buffer sound source. */ var loadSound = function(self, buffer) { // Set the duration. if (buffer && !self._duration) { self._duration = buffer.duration; } // Setup a sprite if none is defined. if (Object.keys(self._sprite).length === 0) { self._sprite = {__default: [0, self._duration * 1000]}; } // Fire the loaded event. if (self._state !== 'loaded') { self._state = 'loaded'; self._emit('load'); self._loadQueue(); } }; /** * Setup the audio context when available, or switch to HTML5 Audio mode. */ var setupAudioContext = function() { // If we have already detected that Web Audio isn't supported, don't run this step again. if (!Howler.usingWebAudio) { return; } // Check if we are using Web Audio and setup the AudioContext if we are. try { if (typeof AudioContext !== 'undefined') { Howler.ctx = new AudioContext(); } else if (typeof webkitAudioContext !== 'undefined') { Howler.ctx = new webkitAudioContext(); } else { Howler.usingWebAudio = false; } } catch(e) { Howler.usingWebAudio = false; } // If the audio context creation still failed, set using web audio to false. if (!Howler.ctx) { Howler.usingWebAudio = false; } // Check if a webview is being used on iOS8 or earlier (rather than the browser). // If it is, disable Web Audio as it causes crashing. var iOS = (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(Howler._navigator && Howler._navigator.platform)); var appVersion = Howler._navigator && Howler._navigator.appVersion.match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/); var version = appVersion ? parseInt(appVersion[1], 10) : null; if (iOS && version && version < 9) { var safari = /safari/.test(Howler._navigator && Howler._navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); if (Howler._navigator && !safari) { Howler.usingWebAudio = false; } } // Create and expose the master GainNode when using Web Audio (useful for plugins or advanced usage). if (Howler.usingWebAudio) { Howler.masterGain = (typeof Howler.ctx.createGain === 'undefined') ? Howler.ctx.createGainNode() : Howler.ctx.createGain(); Howler.masterGain.gain.setValueAtTime(Howler._muted ? 0 : Howler._volume, Howler.ctx.currentTime); Howler.masterGain.connect(Howler.ctx.destination); } // Re-run the setup on Howler. Howler._setup(); }; // Add support for AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) libraries such as require.js. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], function() { return { Howler: Howler, Howl: Howl }; }); } // Add support for CommonJS libraries such as browserify. if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { exports.Howler = Howler; exports.Howl = Howl; } // Add to global in Node.js (for testing, etc). if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { global.HowlerGlobal = HowlerGlobal; global.Howler = Howler; global.Howl = Howl; global.Sound = Sound; } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // Define globally in case AMD is not available or unused. window.HowlerGlobal = HowlerGlobal; window.Howler = Howler; window.Howl = Howl; window.Sound = Sound; } })(); /*! * Spatial Plugin - Adds support for stereo and 3D audio where Web Audio is supported. * * howler.js v2.2.4 * howlerjs.com * * (c) 2013-2020, James Simpson of GoldFire Studios * goldfirestudios.com * * MIT License */ (function() { 'use strict'; // Setup default properties. HowlerGlobal.prototype._pos = [0, 0, 0]; HowlerGlobal.prototype._orientation = [0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]; /** Global Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Helper method to update the stereo panning position of all current Howls. * Future Howls will not use this value unless explicitly set. * @param {Number} pan A value of -1.0 is all the way left and 1.0 is all the way right. * @return {Howler/Number} Self or current stereo panning value. */ HowlerGlobal.prototype.stereo = function(pan) { var self = this; // Stop right here if not using Web Audio. if (!self.ctx || !self.ctx.listener) { return self; } // Loop through all Howls and update their stereo panning. for (var i=self._howls.length-1; i>=0; i--) { self._howls[i].stereo(pan); } return self; }; /** * Get/set the position of the listener in 3D cartesian space. Sounds using * 3D position will be relative to the listener's position. * @param {Number} x The x-position of the listener. * @param {Number} y The y-position of the listener. * @param {Number} z The z-position of the listener. * @return {Howler/Array} Self or current listener position. */ HowlerGlobal.prototype.pos = function(x, y, z) { var self = this; // Stop right here if not using Web Audio. if (!self.ctx || !self.ctx.listener) { return self; } // Set the defaults for optional 'y' & 'z'. y = (typeof y !== 'number') ? self._pos[1] : y; z = (typeof z !== 'number') ? self._pos[2] : z; if (typeof x === 'number') { self._pos = [x, y, z]; if (typeof self.ctx.listener.positionX !== 'undefined') { self.ctx.listener.positionX.setTargetAtTime(self._pos[0], Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); self.ctx.listener.positionY.setTargetAtTime(self._pos[1], Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); self.ctx.listener.positionZ.setTargetAtTime(self._pos[2], Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); } else { self.ctx.listener.setPosition(self._pos[0], self._pos[1], self._pos[2]); } } else { return self._pos; } return self; }; /** * Get/set the direction the listener is pointing in the 3D cartesian space. * A front and up vector must be provided. The front is the direction the * face of the listener is pointing, and up is the direction the top of the * listener is pointing. Thus, these values are expected to be at right angles * from each other. * @param {Number} x The x-orientation of the listener. * @param {Number} y The y-orientation of the listener. * @param {Number} z The z-orientation of the listener. * @param {Number} xUp The x-orientation of the top of the listener. * @param {Number} yUp The y-orientation of the top of the listener. * @param {Number} zUp The z-orientation of the top of the listener. * @return {Howler/Array} Returns self or the current orientation vectors. */ HowlerGlobal.prototype.orientation = function(x, y, z, xUp, yUp, zUp) { var self = this; // Stop right here if not using Web Audio. if (!self.ctx || !self.ctx.listener) { return self; } // Set the defaults for optional 'y' & 'z'. var or = self._orientation; y = (typeof y !== 'number') ? or[1] : y; z = (typeof z !== 'number') ? or[2] : z; xUp = (typeof xUp !== 'number') ? or[3] : xUp; yUp = (typeof yUp !== 'number') ? or[4] : yUp; zUp = (typeof zUp !== 'number') ? or[5] : zUp; if (typeof x === 'number') { self._orientation = [x, y, z, xUp, yUp, zUp]; if (typeof self.ctx.listener.forwardX !== 'undefined') { self.ctx.listener.forwardX.setTargetAtTime(x, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); self.ctx.listener.forwardY.setTargetAtTime(y, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); self.ctx.listener.forwardZ.setTargetAtTime(z, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); self.ctx.listener.upX.setTargetAtTime(xUp, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); self.ctx.listener.upY.setTargetAtTime(yUp, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); self.ctx.listener.upZ.setTargetAtTime(zUp, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1); } else { self.ctx.listener.setOrientation(x, y, z, xUp, yUp, zUp); } } else { return or; } return self; }; /** Group Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Add new properties to the core init. * @param {Function} _super Core init method. * @return {Howl} */ Howl.prototype.init = (function(_super) { return function(o) { var self = this; // Setup user-defined default properties. self._orientation = o.orientation || [1, 0, 0]; self._stereo = o.stereo || null; self._pos = o.pos || null; self._pannerAttr = { coneInnerAngle: typeof o.coneInnerAngle !== 'undefined' ? o.coneInnerAngle : 360, coneOuterAngle: typeof o.coneOuterAngle !== 'undefined' ? o.coneOuterAngle : 360, coneOuterGain: typeof o.coneOuterGain !== 'undefined' ? o.coneOuterGain : 0, distanceModel: typeof o.distanceModel !== 'undefined' ? o.distanceModel : 'inverse', maxDistance: typeof o.maxDistance !== 'undefined' ? o.maxDistance : 10000, panningModel: typeof o.panningModel !== 'undefined' ? o.panningModel : 'HRTF', refDistance: typeof o.refDistance !== 'undefined' ? o.refDistance : 1, rolloffFactor: typeof o.rolloffFactor !== 'undefined' ? o.rolloffFactor : 1 }; // Setup event listeners. self._onstereo = o.onstereo ? [{fn: o.onstereo}] : []; self._onpos = o.onpos ? [{fn: o.onpos}] : []; self._onorientation = o.onorientation ? [{fn: o.onorientation}] : []; // Complete initilization with howler.js core's init function. return _super.call(this, o); }; })(Howl.prototype.init); /** * Get/set the stereo panning of the audio source for this sound or all in the group. * @param {Number} pan A value of -1.0 is all the way left and 1.0 is all the way right. * @param {Number} id (optional) The sound ID. If none is passed, all in group will be updated. * @return {Howl/Number} Returns self or the current stereo panning value. */ Howl.prototype.stereo = function(pan, id) { var self = this; // Stop right here if not using Web Audio. if (!self._webAudio) { return self; } // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to change stereo pan when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded') { self._queue.push({ event: 'stereo', action: function() { self.stereo(pan, id); } }); return self; } // Check for PannerStereoNode support and fallback to PannerNode if it doesn't exist. var pannerType = (typeof Howler.ctx.createStereoPanner === 'undefined') ? 'spatial' : 'stereo'; // Setup the group's stereo panning if no ID is passed. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { // Return the group's stereo panning if no parameters are passed. if (typeof pan === 'number') { self._stereo = pan; self._pos = [pan, 0, 0]; } else { return self._stereo; } } // Change the streo panning of one or all sounds in group. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound) { if (typeof pan === 'number') { sound._stereo = pan; sound._pos = [pan, 0, 0]; if (sound._node) { // If we are falling back, make sure the panningModel is equalpower. sound._pannerAttr.panningModel = 'equalpower'; // Check if there is a panner setup and create a new one if not. if (!sound._panner || !sound._panner.pan) { setupPanner(sound, pannerType); } if (pannerType === 'spatial') { if (typeof sound._panner.positionX !== 'undefined') { sound._panner.positionX.setValueAtTime(pan, Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.positionY.setValueAtTime(0, Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.positionZ.setValueAtTime(0, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else { sound._panner.setPosition(pan, 0, 0); } } else { sound._panner.pan.setValueAtTime(pan, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } } self._emit('stereo', sound._id); } else { return sound._stereo; } } } return self; }; /** * Get/set the 3D spatial position of the audio source for this sound or group relative to the global listener. * @param {Number} x The x-position of the audio source. * @param {Number} y The y-position of the audio source. * @param {Number} z The z-position of the audio source. * @param {Number} id (optional) The sound ID. If none is passed, all in group will be updated. * @return {Howl/Array} Returns self or the current 3D spatial position: [x, y, z]. */ Howl.prototype.pos = function(x, y, z, id) { var self = this; // Stop right here if not using Web Audio. if (!self._webAudio) { return self; } // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to change position when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded') { self._queue.push({ event: 'pos', action: function() { self.pos(x, y, z, id); } }); return self; } // Set the defaults for optional 'y' & 'z'. y = (typeof y !== 'number') ? 0 : y; z = (typeof z !== 'number') ? -0.5 : z; // Setup the group's spatial position if no ID is passed. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { // Return the group's spatial position if no parameters are passed. if (typeof x === 'number') { self._pos = [x, y, z]; } else { return self._pos; } } // Change the spatial position of one or all sounds in group. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound) { if (typeof x === 'number') { sound._pos = [x, y, z]; if (sound._node) { // Check if there is a panner setup and create a new one if not. if (!sound._panner || sound._panner.pan) { setupPanner(sound, 'spatial'); } if (typeof sound._panner.positionX !== 'undefined') { sound._panner.positionX.setValueAtTime(x, Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.positionY.setValueAtTime(y, Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.positionZ.setValueAtTime(z, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else { sound._panner.setPosition(x, y, z); } } self._emit('pos', sound._id); } else { return sound._pos; } } } return self; }; /** * Get/set the direction the audio source is pointing in the 3D cartesian coordinate * space. Depending on how direction the sound is, based on the `cone` attributes, * a sound pointing away from the listener can be quiet or silent. * @param {Number} x The x-orientation of the source. * @param {Number} y The y-orientation of the source. * @param {Number} z The z-orientation of the source. * @param {Number} id (optional) The sound ID. If none is passed, all in group will be updated. * @return {Howl/Array} Returns self or the current 3D spatial orientation: [x, y, z]. */ Howl.prototype.orientation = function(x, y, z, id) { var self = this; // Stop right here if not using Web Audio. if (!self._webAudio) { return self; } // If the sound hasn't loaded, add it to the load queue to change orientation when capable. if (self._state !== 'loaded') { self._queue.push({ event: 'orientation', action: function() { self.orientation(x, y, z, id); } }); return self; } // Set the defaults for optional 'y' & 'z'. y = (typeof y !== 'number') ? self._orientation[1] : y; z = (typeof z !== 'number') ? self._orientation[2] : z; // Setup the group's spatial orientation if no ID is passed. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { // Return the group's spatial orientation if no parameters are passed. if (typeof x === 'number') { self._orientation = [x, y, z]; } else { return self._orientation; } } // Change the spatial orientation of one or all sounds in group. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { // Get the sound. var sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound) { if (typeof x === 'number') { sound._orientation = [x, y, z]; if (sound._node) { // Check if there is a panner setup and create a new one if not. if (!sound._panner) { // Make sure we have a position to setup the node with. if (!sound._pos) { sound._pos = self._pos || [0, 0, -0.5]; } setupPanner(sound, 'spatial'); } if (typeof sound._panner.orientationX !== 'undefined') { sound._panner.orientationX.setValueAtTime(x, Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.orientationY.setValueAtTime(y, Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.orientationZ.setValueAtTime(z, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else { sound._panner.setOrientation(x, y, z); } } self._emit('orientation', sound._id); } else { return sound._orientation; } } } return self; }; /** * Get/set the panner node's attributes for a sound or group of sounds. * This method can optionall take 0, 1 or 2 arguments. * pannerAttr() -> Returns the group's values. * pannerAttr(id) -> Returns the sound id's values. * pannerAttr(o) -> Set's the values of all sounds in this Howl group. * pannerAttr(o, id) -> Set's the values of passed sound id. * * Attributes: * coneInnerAngle - (360 by default) A parameter for directional audio sources, this is an angle, in degrees, * inside of which there will be no volume reduction. * coneOuterAngle - (360 by default) A parameter for directional audio sources, this is an angle, in degrees, * outside of which the volume will be reduced to a constant value of `coneOuterGain`. * coneOuterGain - (0 by default) A parameter for directional audio sources, this is the gain outside of the * `coneOuterAngle`. It is a linear value in the range `[0, 1]`. * distanceModel - ('inverse' by default) Determines algorithm used to reduce volume as audio moves away from * listener. Can be `linear`, `inverse` or `exponential. * maxDistance - (10000 by default) The maximum distance between source and listener, after which the volume * will not be reduced any further. * refDistance - (1 by default) A reference distance for reducing volume as source moves further from the listener. * This is simply a variable of the distance model and has a different effect depending on which model * is used and the scale of your coordinates. Generally, volume will be equal to 1 at this distance. * rolloffFactor - (1 by default) How quickly the volume reduces as source moves from listener. This is simply a * variable of the distance model and can be in the range of `[0, 1]` with `linear` and `[0, ∞]` * with `inverse` and `exponential`. * panningModel - ('HRTF' by default) Determines which spatialization algorithm is used to position audio. * Can be `HRTF` or `equalpower`. * * @return {Howl/Object} Returns self or current panner attributes. */ Howl.prototype.pannerAttr = function() { var self = this; var args = arguments; var o, id, sound; // Stop right here if not using Web Audio. if (!self._webAudio) { return self; } // Determine the values based on arguments. if (args.length === 0) { // Return the group's panner attribute values. return self._pannerAttr; } else if (args.length === 1) { if (typeof args[0] === 'object') { o = args[0]; // Set the grou's panner attribute values. if (typeof id === 'undefined') { if (!o.pannerAttr) { o.pannerAttr = { coneInnerAngle: o.coneInnerAngle, coneOuterAngle: o.coneOuterAngle, coneOuterGain: o.coneOuterGain, distanceModel: o.distanceModel, maxDistance: o.maxDistance, refDistance: o.refDistance, rolloffFactor: o.rolloffFactor, panningModel: o.panningModel }; } self._pannerAttr = { coneInnerAngle: typeof o.pannerAttr.coneInnerAngle !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.coneInnerAngle : self._coneInnerAngle, coneOuterAngle: typeof o.pannerAttr.coneOuterAngle !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.coneOuterAngle : self._coneOuterAngle, coneOuterGain: typeof o.pannerAttr.coneOuterGain !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.coneOuterGain : self._coneOuterGain, distanceModel: typeof o.pannerAttr.distanceModel !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.distanceModel : self._distanceModel, maxDistance: typeof o.pannerAttr.maxDistance !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.maxDistance : self._maxDistance, refDistance: typeof o.pannerAttr.refDistance !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.refDistance : self._refDistance, rolloffFactor: typeof o.pannerAttr.rolloffFactor !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.rolloffFactor : self._rolloffFactor, panningModel: typeof o.pannerAttr.panningModel !== 'undefined' ? o.pannerAttr.panningModel : self._panningModel }; } } else { // Return this sound's panner attribute values. sound = self._soundById(parseInt(args[0], 10)); return sound ? sound._pannerAttr : self._pannerAttr; } } else if (args.length === 2) { o = args[0]; id = parseInt(args[1], 10); } // Update the values of the specified sounds. var ids = self._getSoundIds(id); for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) { sound = self._soundById(ids[i]); if (sound) { // Merge the new values into the sound. var pa = sound._pannerAttr; pa = { coneInnerAngle: typeof o.coneInnerAngle !== 'undefined' ? o.coneInnerAngle : pa.coneInnerAngle, coneOuterAngle: typeof o.coneOuterAngle !== 'undefined' ? o.coneOuterAngle : pa.coneOuterAngle, coneOuterGain: typeof o.coneOuterGain !== 'undefined' ? o.coneOuterGain : pa.coneOuterGain, distanceModel: typeof o.distanceModel !== 'undefined' ? o.distanceModel : pa.distanceModel, maxDistance: typeof o.maxDistance !== 'undefined' ? o.maxDistance : pa.maxDistance, refDistance: typeof o.refDistance !== 'undefined' ? o.refDistance : pa.refDistance, rolloffFactor: typeof o.rolloffFactor !== 'undefined' ? o.rolloffFactor : pa.rolloffFactor, panningModel: typeof o.panningModel !== 'undefined' ? o.panningModel : pa.panningModel }; // Create a new panner node if one doesn't already exist. var panner = sound._panner; if (!panner) { // Make sure we have a position to setup the node with. if (!sound._pos) { sound._pos = self._pos || [0, 0, -0.5]; } // Create a new panner node. setupPanner(sound, 'spatial'); panner = sound._panner } // Update the panner values or create a new panner if none exists. panner.coneInnerAngle = pa.coneInnerAngle; panner.coneOuterAngle = pa.coneOuterAngle; panner.coneOuterGain = pa.coneOuterGain; panner.distanceModel = pa.distanceModel; panner.maxDistance = pa.maxDistance; panner.refDistance = pa.refDistance; panner.rolloffFactor = pa.rolloffFactor; panner.panningModel = pa.panningModel; } } return self; }; /** Single Sound Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Add new properties to the core Sound init. * @param {Function} _super Core Sound init method. * @return {Sound} */ Sound.prototype.init = (function(_super) { return function() { var self = this; var parent = self._parent; // Setup user-defined default properties. self._orientation = parent._orientation; self._stereo = parent._stereo; self._pos = parent._pos; self._pannerAttr = parent._pannerAttr; // Complete initilization with howler.js core Sound's init function. _super.call(this); // If a stereo or position was specified, set it up. if (self._stereo) { parent.stereo(self._stereo); } else if (self._pos) { parent.pos(self._pos[0], self._pos[1], self._pos[2], self._id); } }; })(Sound.prototype.init); /** * Override the Sound.reset method to clean up properties from the spatial plugin. * @param {Function} _super Sound reset method. * @return {Sound} */ Sound.prototype.reset = (function(_super) { return function() { var self = this; var parent = self._parent; // Reset all spatial plugin properties on this sound. self._orientation = parent._orientation; self._stereo = parent._stereo; self._pos = parent._pos; self._pannerAttr = parent._pannerAttr; // If a stereo or position was specified, set it up. if (self._stereo) { parent.stereo(self._stereo); } else if (self._pos) { parent.pos(self._pos[0], self._pos[1], self._pos[2], self._id); } else if (self._panner) { // Disconnect the panner. self._panner.disconnect(0); self._panner = undefined; parent._refreshBuffer(self); } // Complete resetting of the sound. return _super.call(this); }; })(Sound.prototype.reset); /** Helper Methods **/ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Create a new panner node and save it on the sound. * @param {Sound} sound Specific sound to setup panning on. * @param {String} type Type of panner to create: 'stereo' or 'spatial'. */ var setupPanner = function(sound, type) { type = type || 'spatial'; // Create the new panner node. if (type === 'spatial') { sound._panner = Howler.ctx.createPanner(); sound._panner.coneInnerAngle = sound._pannerAttr.coneInnerAngle; sound._panner.coneOuterAngle = sound._pannerAttr.coneOuterAngle; sound._panner.coneOuterGain = sound._pannerAttr.coneOuterGain; sound._panner.distanceModel = sound._pannerAttr.distanceModel; sound._panner.maxDistance = sound._pannerAttr.maxDistance; sound._panner.refDistance = sound._pannerAttr.refDistance; sound._panner.rolloffFactor = sound._pannerAttr.rolloffFactor; sound._panner.panningModel = sound._pannerAttr.panningModel; if (typeof sound._panner.positionX !== 'undefined') { sound._panner.positionX.setValueAtTime(sound._pos[0], Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.positionY.setValueAtTime(sound._pos[1], Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.positionZ.setValueAtTime(sound._pos[2], Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else { sound._panner.setPosition(sound._pos[0], sound._pos[1], sound._pos[2]); } if (typeof sound._panner.orientationX !== 'undefined') { sound._panner.orientationX.setValueAtTime(sound._orientation[0], Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.orientationY.setValueAtTime(sound._orientation[1], Howler.ctx.currentTime); sound._panner.orientationZ.setValueAtTime(sound._orientation[2], Howler.ctx.currentTime); } else { sound._panner.setOrientation(sound._orientation[0], sound._orientation[1], sound._orientation[2]); } } else { sound._panner = Howler.ctx.createStereoPanner(); sound._panner.pan.setValueAtTime(sound._stereo, Howler.ctx.currentTime); } sound._panner.connect(sound._node); // Update the connections. if (!sound._paused) { sound._parent.pause(sound._id, true).play(sound._id, true); } }; })(); export var Howler = window.Howler; export var Howl = window.Howler; export var Sound = window.Sound;