<?php use Kirby\Data\Data; use Kirby\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Kirby\Form\Form; use Kirby\Toolkit\I18n; return [ 'props' => [ /** * Unset inherited props */ 'after' => null, 'before' => null, 'autofocus' => null, 'icon' => null, 'placeholder' => null, /** * Set the default values for the object */ 'default' => function ($default = null) { return $default; }, /** * The placeholder text if no information has been added yet */ 'empty' => function ($empty = null) { return I18n::translate($empty, $empty); }, /** * Fields setup for the object form. Works just like fields in regular forms. */ 'fields' => function (array $fields = []) { return $fields; } ], 'computed' => [ 'default' => function () { if (empty($this->default) === true) { return ''; } return $this->form($this->default)->values(); }, 'fields' => function () { if (empty($this->fields) === true) { return []; } return $this->form()->fields()->toArray(); }, 'value' => function () { $data = Data::decode($this->value, 'yaml'); if (empty($data) === true) { return ''; } return $this->form($data)->values(); } ], 'methods' => [ 'form' => function (array $values = []) { return new Form([ 'fields' => $this->attrs['fields'], 'values' => $values, 'model' => $this->model ]); }, ], 'save' => function ($value) { if (empty($value) === true) { return ''; } return $this->form($value)->content(); }, 'validations' => [ 'object' => function ($value) { if (empty($value) === true) { return true; } $errors = $this->form($value)->errors(); if (empty($errors) === false) { // use the first error for details $name = array_key_first($errors); $error = $errors[$name]; throw new InvalidArgumentException([ 'key' => 'object.validation', 'data' => [ 'label' => $error['label'] ?? $name, 'message' => implode("\n", $error['message']) ] ]); } } ] ];