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414 lines
11 KiB
414 lines
11 KiB
5 months ago
function &last(&$array) {
return $array[key($array)];
class XoiPage extends Page {
public function addStats($stat1, $stat2)
$sum = $stat1;
$sum["average"][0] += $stat2["average"][0];
$sum["average"][1] += $stat2["average"][1];
$sum["first9"][0] += $stat2["first9"][0];
$sum["first9"][1] += $stat2["first9"][1];
$sum["checkouts"][0] += $stat2["checkouts"][0];
$sum["checkoutPoints"] = array_merge($sum["checkoutPoints"], $stat2["checkoutPoints"]);
$sum["checkouts"][1] += $stat2["checkouts"][1];
$sum["180"] += $stat2["180"];
$sum["140+"] += $stat2["140+"];
$sum["100+"] += $stat2["100+"];
$sum["60+"] += $stat2["60+"];
return $sum;
* @kql-allowed
public function tournamentStats() {
if (count($this->playerUUIDs()) == 2){
return [$this->parent()->getStats($this->playerUUIDs()[0]),$this->parent()->getStats($this->playerUUIDs()[1])];
return [];
public function reorderPlayer($order){
return $this->update([
"players" => $order
public function playerUUIDs(){
$pp = $this->players()->toPages();
$players = [];
foreach ($pp as $i => $p) {
$players[] = $p->uuid()->toString();
return $players;
public function getPlayerPos($playerUUIDs, $uuid)
$k = 0;
foreach ($playerUUIDs as $i => $playeruuid) {
if ($playeruuid == $uuid) {
return $k;
// entity can be visit, leg or set
public function nextPlayer($playerUUIDs, $uuid)
$k = $this->getPlayerPos($playerUUIDs, $uuid);
return $playerUUIDs[($k+1)%count($playerUUIDs)];
public function updateStats(&$stats, $visit){
$playerUUIDs = $this->playerUUIDs();
$k = $this->getPlayerPos($playerUUIDs, $visit["player"]);
$todos = [&$stats["stats"][$k]];
$todos[] = &last($stats["sets"])["stats"][$k];
$todos[] = &last(last($stats["sets"])["legs"])["stats"][$k];
foreach ($todos as $i => $value) {
$todos[$i]["average"][0] += $visit["sum"];
$todos[$i]["average"][1] += $visit["numDarts"];
if ($visit["visit"] < 4) {
$todos[$i]["first9"][0] += $visit["sum"];
$todos[$i]["first9"][1] += $visit["numDarts"];
if ($visit["toGo"][$k] == 0) {
$todos[$i]["checkouts"][0] += 1;
$todos[$i]["checkoutPoints"][] += $visit["sum"];
$todos[$i]["checkouts"][1] += $visit["checkoutTries"];
if ($visit["sum"] == 180) {
$todos[$i]["180"] += 1;
} elseif ($visit["sum"] >= 140) {
$todos[$i]["140+"] += 1;
} elseif ($visit["sum"] >= 100) {
$todos[$i]["100+"] += 1;
} elseif ($visit["sum"] >= 60) {
$todos[$i]["60+"] += 1;
return $stats;
private function newVisit($player, $round)
return array(
'player' => $player,
'throws' => [],
'visit' => $round,
'checkoutTries' => 0,
'numDarts' => 0,
public function calcPoints($throw)
$throw = trim($throw);
if ($throw == "") {
return 0;
if ($throw == "SB"){
return 25;
if ($throw == "DB"){
return 50;
if ($throw[0] == "S" || $throw[0] == "O" || $throw[0] == "I"){
return intval(substr($throw, 1));
if ($throw[0] == "D"){
return 2*intval(substr($throw, 1));
if ($throw[0] == "T"){
return 3*intval(substr($throw, 1));
if ($throw[0] == "M"){
return 0;
} else {
// TODO: Check for Na
return intval($throw);
public function sumPoints($throws)
$sum = 0;
foreach ($throws as $i => $throw) {
$points = $this->calcPoints($throw);
$sum += $points;
return $sum;
public function getWinner($points, $mode)
$sum = 0;
$k = 0;
$max = -1;
foreach ($points as $i => $point) {
$sum += $point;
if ($max < $point) {
$max = $point;
$maxidx = $k;
if ($max > $mode/$k) {
return $maxidx;
if ($sum == $mode) {
return -2;
return -1;
public function clearLastVisit()
$game = $this->rounds()->parseJSON();
$set = &$game["sets"][count($game["sets"])-1];
$leg = &$set["legs"][count($set["legs"])-1];
$visit = &$leg["visits"][count($leg["visits"])-1];
$visit["throws"] = [];
$visit["checkoutTries"] = 0;
$visit["numDarts"] = 0;
return $this->storeGame($game);
public function addThrows($throws, $numDarts, $checkoutTries, $done=true)
$game = $this->rounds()->parseJSON();
$set = &$game["sets"][count($game["sets"])-1];
$leg = &$set["legs"][count($set["legs"])-1];
$visit = &$leg["visits"][count($leg["visits"])-1];
$current_throws = $visit['throws'];
if (count($current_throws)+count($throws) > 3) {
$error = "Two many throws given: ".count($current_throws)." + ".count($throws)." > 3";
throw new \Exception($error, 1);
$new_throws = array_merge($current_throws, $throws);
$playerUUIDs = $this->playerUUIDs();
$k = $this->getPlayerPos($playerUUIDs, $visit["player"]);
if (count($leg["visits"])-2 < 0) {
$toGo = array_fill(0, count($playerUUIDs), $this->max()->toInt());
} else {
$toGo = $leg["visits"][count($leg["visits"])-2]["toGo"];
$visit["numDarts"] += $numDarts;
$visit["throws"] = $new_throws;
$visit["checkoutTries"] += $checkoutTries;
$visit["sum"] = $this->sumPoints($visit["throws"]);
$rest = $toGo[$k] - $visit["sum"];
if ($rest < 0 or ($this->out()->toString() == "Double" && $rest == 1)) {
$visit["sum"] = 0;
} else {
$toGo[$k] = $rest;
$visit["toGo"] = $toGo;
if (!$done) {
$stats = $this->stats()->parseJSON();
$page = $this->updateStats($stats, $visit);
$update = [];
if ($rest != 0) {
// Normal players turn
$nextPlayer = $this->nextPlayer($playerUUIDs, $visit["player"]);
$isNextRound = 0;
if (last(last($game["sets"])["legs"])['visits'][0]["player"] == $nextPlayer) {
$isNextRound = 1;
$newVisit = $this->newVisit($nextPlayer, $visit["visit"]+$isNextRound);
last(last($game["sets"])["legs"])['visits'][] = $newVisit;
} else {
// rest == 0 leg finished
// updates Stats...this is maybe the wrong place to store points
$newlegp = $leg["points"];
$newlegp[$k] += 1;
$winner = $this->getWinner($newlegp, $this->legs()->toInt());
if ($winner != -1) {
$newsetp = $set["points"];
$newsetp[$k] += 1;
$winner = $this->getWinner($newsetp, $this->sets()->toInt());
if ($winner != -1) {
if ($winner == -2) {
$stats["winner"] = "DRAW";
} else {
$stats["winner"] = $visit["player"];
// Game Over
$update = [
"enddate" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
} else {
// new Set
$this->addNewSet($game, $newsetp);
$stats = $this->addNewSetStats($stats);
$stats = $this->addNewLegStats($stats);
} else {
// new Leg
$this->addNewLeg($game, $newlegp);
$stats = $this->addNewLegStats($stats);
$page = $this->storeGame($game);
$page = $page->storeStats($stats);
private function newSingleStats($player)
return array(
"player" => $player,
"average" => [0, 0],
"first9" => [0, 0],
"checkouts" => [0, 0],
"checkoutPoints" => [],
"60+" => 0,
"100+" => 0,
"140+" => 0,
"180" => 0
private function newStats(){
$playerUUIDs = $this->playerUUIDs();
$stats = array(
// "winner" => "",
"stats" => []
foreach ($playerUUIDs as $i => $player) {
$n = $this->newSingleStats($player);
$stats["stats"][] = $n;
return $stats;
private function addNewSet(&$game, $points){
$playerUUIDs = $this->playerUUIDs();
$set = &$game["sets"][count($game["sets"])-1];
$leg = &$set["legs"][count($set["legs"])-1];
$p = $this->nextPlayer($playerUUIDs, $set["legs"][0]["visits"][0]["player"]);
$game["sets"][] = array(
'points' => $points,
'legs' => [
'points' => array_fill(0, count($playerUUIDs), 0),
'visits' => [$this->newVisit($p, 1)]
return $game;
private function addNewLeg(&$game, $points){
$playerUUIDs = $this->playerUUIDs();
$set = &$game["sets"][count($game["sets"])-1];
$leg = &$set["legs"][count($set["legs"])-1];
$p = $this->nextPlayer($playerUUIDs, $leg["visits"][0]["player"]);
$set["legs"][] = array(
'points' => $points,
'visits' => [$this->newVisit($p, 1)]
return $game;
private function addNewSetStats(&$stats){
$stats["sets"][] = $this->newStats();
$stats["sets"][0]["legs"] = [];
return $stats;
private function addNewLegStats(&$stats){
last($stats["sets"])["legs"][] = $this->newStats();
return $stats;
public function recalcStats(){
$game = $this->rounds()->parseJSON();
$page = $this->initStats();
$stats = $page->stats()->parseJSON();
$lastset = count($game["sets"])-1;
foreach ($game["sets"] as $i => $set) {
$lastleg = count($set["legs"])-1;
foreach ($set["legs"] as $j => $leg) {
$lastvisit = count($leg["visits"])-1;
foreach ($leg["visits"] as $k => $visit) {
if (!($k == $lastvisit && $j == $lastleg && $i == $lastset)) {
$this->updateStats($stats, $visit);
if ($k == $lastvisit && $j != $lastleg) {
if ($j == $lastleg && $i != $lastset) {
return $this->storeStats($stats);
private function initStats()
$stats = $this->newStats();
$stats["sets"] = [];
return $this->storeStats($stats);
public function initGame($startTime = true) {
$playerUUIDs = $this->playerUUIDs();
$game = array('sets' => [array(
'points' => array_fill(0, count($playerUUIDs), 0),
'legs' => [
'points' => array_fill(0, count($playerUUIDs), 0),
'visits' => [$this->newVisit($playerUUIDs[0], 1)]
$page = $this->initStats();
$update = [
'rounds' => json_encode($game)
if ($startTime) {
$update['startdate'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
return $page->update($update);
public function storeStats($stats)
return $this->update([
"stats" => json_encode($stats)
public function storeGame($game)
return $this->update([
"rounds" => json_encode($game)