You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
829 B

5 months ago
use Kirby\Toolkit\I18n;
return [
'props' => [
* Image options to control the source and look of preview
'image' => function ($image = null) {
return $image ?? [];
* Optional info text setup. Info text is shown on the right (lists, cardlets) or below (cards) the title.
'info' => function ($info = null) {
return I18n::translate($info, $info);
* Setup for the main text in the list or cards. By default this will display the title.
'text' => function ($text = '{{ model.title }}') {
return I18n::translate($text, $text);
'methods' => [
'link' => function () {
$modelLink = $this->model->panel()->url(true);
$parentLink = $this->parent->panel()->url(true);
if ($modelLink !== $parentLink) {
return $parentLink;