You can not select more than 25 topics
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135 lines
3.9 KiB
135 lines
3.9 KiB
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, render_template, escape
import numpy as np
app = Flask(__name__)
app.template_folder = "frontend/"
app.static_folder = "frontend/assets/"
graph = {
# "A": {"B":10},
# "B": {"E":10, "D":10, "C":10, "A":10},
# "C": {"B":10, "D":10},
# "D": {"B":10, "C":10},
# "E": {"B":10}
def bellmann_ford(graph, node_a, node_b):
"""Calculate distance from node_a to node_b assuming no negative cycles."""
# weights
from_a_to = {node: np.inf for node in graph}
from_a_to[node_a] = 0
# save path so we dont have to backtrace later
path_from_a_to = {node: [] for node in graph}
path_from_a_to[node_a] = [node_a]
for i in range(len(graph.keys())-1):
for s,e in [(s,e) for s in graph for e in graph[s]]:
if from_a_to[s] + graph[s][e] < from_a_to[e]:
path_from_a_to[e] = path_from_a_to[s] + [e]
from_a_to[e] = from_a_to[s] + graph[s][e]
return path_from_a_to[node_b]
def error(message):
return jsonify({"error": message})
def edges_to_json(graph):
return_list = []
done = []
for s in graph:
for e in graph[s]:
if (e,s) not in done:
return return_list
@app.route('/api/paths/<start>/<end>', methods=['GET'])
def get_path(start, end):
if start == end:
return error("Start and end node must be different."), 400
if start not in graph:
return error("Start node does not exist."), 400
if end not in graph:
return error("End node does not exist."), 400
path = bellmann_ford(graph, start, end)
if len(path) == 0:
return error("There exists no path."), 400
return jsonify({'path': path})
@app.route('/api/nodes', methods=['GET'])
def get_nodes():
return jsonify({'nodes': graph.keys()})
@app.route('/api/edges', methods=['GET'])
def get_edges():
return jsonify({'edges': edges_to_json(graph)})
@app.route('/api/nodes', methods=['POST'])
def create_node():
if not request.json:
return error("Request needs to be JSON."), 400
if 'name' not in request.json:
return error("Name must be set."), 400
name = request.json['name']
if name == "":
return error("Name cannot be empty."), 400
if name in graph:
return error(f'Node with name "{escape(name)}" already exist.'), 400
graph[name] = {}
return jsonify(name), 201
@app.route('/api/edges', methods=['POST'])
def create_edge():
if not request.json:
return error("Request needs to be JSON."), 400
if 'start' not in request.json:
return error("Start node must be set."), 400
if 'end' not in request.json:
return error("End node must be set."), 400
if 'weight' not in request.json:
return error("Edge weight must be set."), 400
start = request.json['start']
end = request.json['end']
weight = request.json['weight']
weight = float(weight)
except ValueError:
return error("Weight must be a number."), 400
if weight < 0:
return error("Weight must be positive."), 400
if start == end:
return error("Start and end node must be different."), 400
if start not in graph:
return error("Start node does not exist."), 400
if end not in graph:
return error("End node does not exist."), 400
if start in graph and end in graph[start]:
return error("Edge already exists."), 400
edge = {"start":start,"end":end, "weight": weight}
graph[start][end] = weight
graph[end][start] = weight
return jsonify(edge), 201
def index():
return render_template("index.html", nodes=list(graph.keys()), edges=edges_to_json(graph))
if __name__ == '__main__':
|"", debug=True, port=5000)