You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
4.6 KiB

import json
import os
import math
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, render_template, escape
app = Flask(__name__)
5 years ago
app.template_folder = "frontend/"
app.static_folder = "frontend/assets/"
PATH = "graph.json"
graph = {}
def bellmann_ford(graph, node_a):
Calculate distance from node_a to all other nodes assuming no negative
Auch wenn Dijkstra der effizientere Algorithmus in diesem Falle wäre,
habe mich dazu entschieden Bellmann Ford zu implementieren.
Dijkstra musste ich schon mindestens 4 mal in meiner Ausbildung
implementieren. Ich hatte mal wieder Lust auf Dynamische Programmierung.
# weights
from_a_to = {node: float("inf") for node in graph}
from_a_to[node_a] = 0
# save path so we dont have to backtrace later
path_from_a_to = {node: [] for node in graph}
path_from_a_to[node_a] = [node_a]
for i in range(len(graph.keys())-1):
for s,e in [(s,e) for s in graph for e in graph[s]]:
if from_a_to[s] + graph[s][e] < from_a_to[e]:
path_from_a_to[e] = path_from_a_to[s] + [e]
from_a_to[e] = from_a_to[s] + graph[s][e]
return path_from_a_to
def error(message):
return jsonify({"error": message})
def edges_to_json(graph):
5 years ago
return_list = []
done = []
for s in graph:
for e in graph[s]:
if (e,s) not in done:
5 years ago
return return_list
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------API--------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@app.route('/api/paths/<start>/<end>', methods=['GET'])
def get_path(start, end):
if start == end:
return error("Start and end node must be different."), 400
if start not in graph:
return error("Start node does not exist."), 400
if end not in graph:
return error("End node does not exist."), 400
path = bellmann_ford(graph, start)[end]
if len(path) == 0:
return error("There exists no path."), 400
return jsonify({'path': path})
@app.route('/api/nodes', methods=['POST'])
def create_node():
if not request.json:
return error("Request needs to be JSON."), 400
if 'name' not in request.json:
return error("Name must be set."), 400
name = request.json['name']
if name == "":
return error("Name cannot be empty."), 400
if name in graph:
return error(f'Node with name "{escape(name)}" already exist.'), 400
graph[name] = {}
return jsonify(name), 201
@app.route('/api/edges', methods=['POST'])
def create_edge():
if not request.json:
return error("Request needs to be JSON."), 400
if 'start' not in request.json:
return error("Start node must be set."), 400
if 'end' not in request.json:
return error("End node must be set."), 400
if 'weight' not in request.json:
return error("Edge weight must be set."), 400
start = request.json['start']
end = request.json['end']
weight = request.json['weight']
5 years ago
weight = float(weight)
if math.isnan(weight) or math.isinf(weight):
raise ValueError()
5 years ago
except ValueError:
return error("Weight must be a number."), 400
if weight < 0:
return error("Weight must be positive."), 400
if start == end:
return error("Start and end node must be different."), 400
if start not in graph:
return error("Start node does not exist."), 400
if end not in graph:
return error("End node does not exist."), 400
if start in graph and end in graph[start]:
5 years ago
return error("Edge already exists."), 400
5 years ago
edge = {"start":start,"end":end, "weight": weight}
graph[start][end] = weight
graph[end][start] = weight
return jsonify(edge), 201
def save():
with open(PATH, 'w') as f:
json.dump(graph, f)
return jsonify({"info":"Saved serverside graph",**graph}), 200
except Exception:
return error("Internal Server Error"), 500
def clear():
global graph
graph = {}
return jsonify({"info":"Graph cleared"}), 200
def index():
return render_template("index.html", nodes=list(graph.keys()), edges=edges_to_json(graph))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.path.isfile(PATH) and os.access(PATH, os.R_OK):
with open(PATH, 'r') as f:
graph = json.load(f)"", debug= True, port=5000)